The president of Villefranche-Beaujolais enrages against Bordeaux

The Girondins de Bordeaux will soon be fixed. Past the CNOSF, the Navy and White still have a chance to stay in Ligue 2, while the DNCG had demoted them to National. If many observers, as well as fans of the Girondins, hope for a positive outcome, the president of Villefranche-Beaujolais Philippe Terrier has it very bad. As a reminder, the Rhone club is waiting to know the final verdict of this case to know if it will be promoted to Ligue 2 or not. And that, Mr. Terrier does not accept.

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“Today, I am very worried about this decision. There are influences that are put in place. We are no longer at all in sporting fairness. The DNCG had done its job properly. Bordeaux worked poorly and did not bring the elements to the DNCG on time and today, every day, we learn something new. Either the DNCG is recognized and we consider that it has done its job correctly, or we think that the DNCG is useless, that we can go through it by saying anything, by bringing any document and afterwards call. If Bordeaux is fished out with the CNOSF and the influence of the ministers, I think that will set a precedent. There will be the justice of the big players who will have gone to hit where it is necessary, and the small clubs, who have done their job, we will not consider them. Villefranche will be the new Luzenac of the year 2022”he told RMC Sport.

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