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AA collaborative site monitoring application, BatiScript ensures successful delivery of construction sites while allowing team members to save valuable time.
Developed in 2011 in collaboration with construction and real estate development players, BatiScript allows all members of a construction site to follow all the phases of a project in real time, from the call for tenders to to the guarantee of perfect completion. This close collaboration between the various construction trades significantly improves the productivity of professionals and, by extension, the quality of the projects delivered.
Better building the spaces of tomorrow
BatiScript is an application available on Microsoft, iOS and Android that allows construction sites to be managed from a single platform in order to avoid double entry and wasted time. The application allows a better circulation of information by centralizing and synchronizing all the data relating to the project. Whether contractor, promoter or architect, all project members have access to administrative documents and work with functions specific to each profession. For example, when the inspector detects a non-conformity, he can easily identify it using photos or annotate it directly on the plans for quick sharing and intervention.
Moreover, BatiScript can be used from a computer, an electronic tablet or a smart phone. As a result, workers in the field can easily use the platform in offline mode and enter technical data or consult plans as if they were in the office. Appreciated mobility that greatly facilitates the daily lives of professionals!
More effective collaborative work
Specially designed for the construction industry, BatiScript uses handwriting recognition technology to facilitate intuitive data entry. Project managers and architects can write reports or visit reports directly on site in just a few clicks. The reports can include photos, annotations of plans, the next appointments, the additional work to be planned or the start date of the tasks. The communication thus facilitated between the site and the office minimizes the risk of errors and allows the operational teams to save time and optimize the execution times of the works.
That’s not all, the multiple benefits of BatiScript include among others:
- Simplified management of tenders
- Better respect of deadlines and budget
- A secure signature of the contract linked to the project
- Paperless collaboration in drawing up plans
- Improved monitoring of deficiencies
- Minutes and any type of report without transcription at the office
- Progress checklists and rating grids
- Simplified exchanges with companies
- Better management of customer complaints thanks to the guarantee monitoring portal
Intuitive and efficient, BatiScript allows construction companies to take advantage of the best of digitization to significantly increase their productivity. The platform constantly adapts to the reality of workers, allowing them to communicate better and save time previously allocated to coordinating parties and issuing instructions. To date, over 100,000 projects have been completed using BatiScript. For full application details, visit the company website.
Know that BatiScript can be used for your construction or renovation projects, however before embarking on condo renovation work, make sure you are well informed of your rights and obligations.