Mai-Ndombe: 114 cases including 5 deaths due to monkeypox recorded since the beginning of the year

The province of Maï-Ndombe is strongly affected by the Monkeypox epidemic (Monkey pox) which has caused 5 deaths among the 114 cases confirmed since the beginning of 2022. 8 health zones are affected out of the 14 that account Province. The age of the affected starts from 15 years.

The head of the provincial health division Dr. Faustin Bekonda justifies this contamination by contact with sick animals often slaughtered by hunters in this province surrounded by forests.

“Indeed, the province of Maï-Ndombe is affected by cases of Monkeypox. From the second epidemiological week to the twenty-seventh week, the province recorded 114 cases once morest 5 deaths, representing a fatality rate of 7%. 8 health zones have been affected out of the 14 we have in the province. As we have large forests, we have a lot of game and contamination is easy once the game we have is sick, indeed by touching it we are contaminated”, says Dr. Faustin Bekonda in an interview with ACTUALITE.CD.

He specifies that “it is a disease that has been raging for a few years already, it is not the first time in this province”.

He invites the population to respect barrier gestures and to avoid touching an animal with rashes, better to refer to health structures for treatment in the event of symptoms.

“We recommend barrier measures. If you have an animal on which you see lesions like that, skin rashes, so much better not to touch it and even in family, in our households. You have a child, a woman, a man who has lesions similar to smallpox, skin rashes, it is better to arrange for the nursing staff to take care of it instead of directly contaminating others because s ‘there are no barrier measures, the disease is very contagious”, advises Dr Faustin Bekonda.

The province of Maï-Ndombe is close to the Grand Équateur and has the equatorial forest, in particular going towards the territory of Kiri.

Jonathan MESA, in Bandundu



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