A horrific, chilling incident.. I watched the door of her husband’s grave vibrate violently and a hysterical screaming sound came out of it. !

The story began when a young man proposed to me for marriage and he knew me through one of my father’s friends, and I was at that time a student in college.

Engineering is a computer department in the penultimate year, and I had no experience or experiences in life.
When my family saw that the young man was suitable for marriage, they quickly agreed.

At that time, I did not realize the meaning of marriage or a married life, family and children. All my dreams at that time were to graduate and establish a project for the maintenance and development of computers, and I had great ideas and great ambitions in developing computer systems.

But following the engagement and engagement, dreams began to evaporate little by little, and aspirations and dreams turned into the requirements of marriage, family life, and others.

My fiancé at this time was working as an accountant in a company and he was rejecting the idea of ​​my work following marriage, and all his ideas regarding married life were directed towards that the wife sits at home for the sake of the children and the requirements of the house only,

After many discussions in this matter, we did not reach a point of agreement and with the pressure of the parents to complete the marriage, my dreams became just a mirage.

The days passed and we got married and started my married life, and it was a very traditional life boring most of the time, and my university degree became just a worthless piece of paper, and I was sad when I remembered that I was a computer engineer with a very good grade, but to no avail, my life became between the walls of the house in order to prepare food and clean the home .

And the days passed on this routine without change, until I learned that I was pregnant in my second month, and this news was perhaps the only thing that began to give me hope and motivation in life once more, and following several months I gave birth to a beautiful girl,

She was my whole life. The days passed in very silence, and every period my old dreams came back to me once more and the dream of establishing a computer center in order to implement my ideas

But my husband used to reject these ideas and consider them to be illusions that do not exist in reality, and despite my great respect for my husband, I was in a state of extreme distress because of his words that were diminishing my dreams and ambitions.

And what made the relationship between us worse is not to treat me as a person with ambitions and dreams, I hold a university degree, and I was always among the top ranks.

My husband had a younger brother than him when I married my husband was in high school, and I helped him a lot in his study until he got a high score and from my love in the field of computer engineering I was able to convince him

By entering the same university, and he was a young man of great morals and respect me and greatly appreciated me, and indeed he entered the university and I offered him all means of support in order to excel, and the strange thing is that my husband was happy from

He excelled his little brother and was supporting him in achieving the same dreams that I told him regarding, and perhaps the reason was that my husband sees that the wife’s job is only the house.

Days passed and I got pregnant with our second child, but the pregnancy this time was very difficult, and I was always sick and my health was very weak, and the days were going through difficult until the time of birth approached.

Meanwhile, my husband told me that he would travel for a week on a work assignment, and I told him that my due date would be in the meantime, and if he traveled, he would not be with me, but he told me that work would not wait and there was no opportunity to postpone the travel.

And he traveled already and I was sad and feeling very lonely because he was not with me, and following five days I felt some pain and my mother was with me, so we quickly went to the hospital

And there the doctors told us that it was time to give birth, and before I entered the operating room, I called my husband and told him, and he said that he is already on the way, and he will arrive within two hours and be assured of a lot.

I entered the operating room and my mother, father and brother-in-law were outside waiting for me, and following regarding an hour and a half, the birth was fine and I gave birth to a beautiful son that looks like the moon

And I got out of the operations and everyone was happy, but in the meantime a phone call came to my brother-in-law, they told him that my husband died suddenly!! And my father and my brother-in-law went hurriedly to my husband’s place to find out

What is the story, and there they learned that on his way back in the car, he fainted severely on the road, and during the examination, they said that he died of a sudden heart attack!

The worst moments in my life were when I learned regarding it. The worst feeling in the world is knowing that this person will never see you once more. What regarding if this person is your husband and the father of your children?

It was my great sadness when I look at my children knowing that they will live as orphans at such a young age.

Three days following the death of my husband, I went to visit his grave, me and the children, and we arrived at the grave and stood in front of it to pray for him. Meanwhile, I saw that the door of the tomb was shaking from the inside!!

It was sudden and shocking, and a little strange, so I focused my eyes once more towards the door of the tomb, and following at least a minute passed, I saw that the door was shaking strongly from the inside,

And it echoed, the children listened to it too! At that moment, I might not control myself and took the children, and hurried out of the tombs, and told the cemetery guard regarding the matter, and the man quickly reached several people, and some officials were informed.

Everyone came and the door to the tomb was opened, and the shock was; Where we found that the body of my husband next to the door of the grave! It came out of the shroud!! And it was a shocking thing to everyone, and when he was examined, the doctors told me that he had died

Just a few minutes ago!! This means that he was buried alive and kept trying to get out a lot, and it was clear the effect of the many attempts inside the grave!

But the most strange thing was, when we found that he wrote using mud on the door of the tomb from the inside, “Life does not end with death only, but ends with the loss of passion.”



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