AMLO attributes the femicide of Luz Raquel to the “individualization process in the neoliberal model”

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador considered that the femicide of Rachel Padilla in Jalisco has its cause in the neoliberal period.

I attribute, perhaps because of my professional training, all this to the process of individualization that was promoted in the neoliberal period,” he said.

He explained that for a long time the values moral, cultural, spiritual, to instead elevate to “supreme rank” what material.

You had to succeed at all costs, without moral scruples of any kind, “he accused.

At a global level, he said, families disintegrated when in Mexico the family is the institution of greatest social importance.

Therefore, the president endorsed Lopez Obradoryour Government seeks to strengthen values ​​and that there is no impunity.

Luz Raquel Padilla Gutierrez died in ZapopanJalisco, three days following being the victim of an attack with alcohol y fuego what caused him Burns in 90 percent of the body.

The 35-year-old woman had reported threats of death and requested their affiliation to the program ‘Pulse of Life‘, a device that when activated emits an alert so that the authorities go immediately to the place where the victim is.

It was last May that Luz Raquel reported having been attacked with cloro industrial y threatened with death with pints outside his apartment.

He explained that he received death threats on a daily basis because his aggressor It was his neighbour. The problem between the two originated from the noise what did his son 11 years old, a boy driverwhen he had a crisis.

I have already filed my complaint but they do nothing to protect me, I am afraid for my life and that of my family”, he condemned.

The Jalisco State Prosecutor’s Office informed that it is investigating the case under the protocol of femicide.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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