Installation of the Colombia 2022 Congress: Possession Congress 2022 LIVE July 20: reactions and speech by Duque | Politics

Live installation of the Congress of the Republic 2022

Phrases of the speech Iván Duque

“Colombia is recognized in the Bloomberg Ranking of resilience to COVIDas the best country in Latin America in handling the pandemic”.

“Colombia had for the first time a joint cabinet and a vice president, who with firm purpose and determination led gender equality.”

“Legality, entrepreneurship and equity are the way to build our country.”

“A pandemic of magnitudes never imagined was present for 30 months of the 48 months of our administration, being the greatest challenge that a Colombian president has faced.”

“We went through the greatest crisis in the recent history of humanity, which in turn brought us devastating effects.”

“Freedom and order are values ​​that accompany the vision of the country that we present to Colombians and the Congress of the republic four years ago”.

“I thank God and the Virgin of Chiquinquirá for this day for Colombia and for having guided me in leading the destinies of our country.”

“To the opposition parties I want to say that I do not recognize, nor will I recognize political enemies.”

“Liar Liar”

“Liar, liar!” They yell at President Iván Duque in the middle of his speech at the Congress facility when talking regarding peace.

Minute by minute

So goes Congress

Historic Pact: 20

Liberal Party: 14

Green Alliance: 12

Democratic Center: 13

U match: 10

Commons: 5

Movement of Indigenous Authorities of Colombia: 1

read also

Independent parties:

Conservative Party: 15

Radical Change: 11

Christian movements: 4

Anti-Corruption Rulers League: 1

Green Alliance: 1

Parties that have decided to be part of government bench

Historical Pact, Liberal Party, Green Alliance Coalition and Esperanza Center, Commons Party, indigenous constituency in the Senate, Alternatives Coalition, Citizen Force Movement, Renaciente Colombia and the indigenous constituency in the Chamber.


Democratic Center with 14 seats in the Senate and 16 in the House.

It should be noted that, Rodolfo Hernandez obtained his seat under the ‘Statute of Opposition’ and miguel polo polo with the Afro constituency.


Free Justa Mira-Colombia Coalition with 4 seats in the Senate and one in the Chamber.

Sin posturefor now

Ethe Conservative PartyCambio Radical, La U, League of Anti-Corruption Rulers, New Liberalism, Radical Change Coalition, ‘People on the Move’ Movement, Conservative Party-Democratic Center Coalition, Marelen Castillo, Together for Caldas Coalition, Conservative Party-U Party Coalition and Coalition Radical Change-MIRA.



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