New Congress installed in Colombia for the period 2022-2026 | News

The new Congress of Colombia, with a majority of the coalition of the Historical Pact both in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, was installed this Wednesday following an official ceremony in the Elliptical Hall headed by the outgoing president Iván Duque, who during his speech was rejected for his questionable management.


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For the 2022-2026 period, 108 senators and 187 representatives were installed in the Chamber, while around 181 legislators are participating in Congress for the first time, following the victory of the Historic Pact (majorities) on March 13.

In this sense, 20 senators from the Historical Pact, 15 from the Conservative Party, 14 from the Liberal Party, 12 from the Green Alliance, 11 from Cambio Radical, ten from the U Party and five from Comunes were sworn in, organizations that adhere to the program of Government of Gustavo Petro.

At the same rate, four from the Christian movements and one from both the Movement of Indigenous Authorities of Colombia and the League of Anticorruption Governors, the Green Alliance and the Alternative Indigenous and Social Movement were also installed for the next term in the Senate. .

With the accession of the deputies of La U at the last minute, Petro has already garnered a sufficient number of congressmen to hold majorities in both chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. His partisan coalition will be made up of 63 of 108 senators and 114 of 186 representatives in the House.

In turn, the representative of the Historical Pact, Roy Barreras, held the presidency of the Senate during the first year to later be taken in consecutive years by the Green Party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party.

Accordingly, Barreras affirmed that a favorable scenario has been created for the Historical Pact by having a legislative majority, which is considered “the largest with which any president in the history of Colombia will take office recently.”

According to the new president of Congress, the priorities for this new legislative stage are the tax reform, as well as the revision of the General Budget of the Nation for 2023.



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