What is the cause?Early discovery of mysterious sudden celestial bodies Observation results of “Subaru Telescope” | sorae Portal site to space

[▲ A diagram showing three phenomena proposed as the origin of the sudden celestial body discovered this time (Credit: Kavli IPMU)]

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU *)Mr. Jiang JiangThe research team led by is the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Hawaii Observatory.“Subaru Telescope”As a result of observation byDiscovered a celestial body that is much brighter and brighter than a normal supernovaWe announced the research results.

*… At the time of research, it is now the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

■ A new type of sudden celestial body full of mysteries, the research team named “FBUT”

What the research team discovered was that it appeared in the direction of “Cetus”「MUSSES2020J」CalledSudden celestial body(A celestial body or phenomenon in which the strength of electromagnetic waves suddenly increases).This object is an international exploration project for sudden objects led by Mr. Kang.「MUSSES(MUltiband Subaru Survey for Early-phase Supernovae)」Was discovered on December 11, 2020.

Because we do not know when and where sudden celestial bodies such as supernova explosions will appear.Objects that are difficult to detect earlyis.Subaru Telescope Observatory“Ultra-wide-field primary focus camera (HSC)”MUSSES projects that useThe purpose is to detect various sudden objects immediately following they occur.It is carried out in.

According to the announcement, MUSSES2020J, which was discovered before the brightening started,It brightened rapidly during the observationIt’s called.As a result of follow-up observation, MUSSES2020JAbout 8.2 billion light-years agoThis is a phenomenon that occurred at (redshift z = 1.063).About 50 times brighter than a normal supernovaIt turned out.The characteristic of MUSSES 2020J is the sudden celestial body discovered in June 2018.「AT2018cow」It is said that it was very similar to.

“Only a few such objects have been discovered yet, because it is very difficult to observe the state immediately following their occurrence due to the rapidly brightening characteristics,” (Mr. Kang).

connection:Unidentified sudden celestial body, possibility of previously unrecognized explosion phenomenon

[▲ Light curve of the sudden celestial body “MUSSES2020J” discovered this time and other sudden celestial bodies such as superluminous supernova, Type Ia supernova, and Kilonova (curve showing the brightness of the object that changes with the passage of time) .. The lower right image shows the galaxy where “MUSSES 2020J” was discovered and the location (+ mark) of its occurrence (Credit: Kavli IPMU)]

The research team has such a sudden celestial body「FBUT(Fast Blue Ultraluminous Transient)」I propose to call it. FBUT has peak luminositySuperluminous supernovaIt is said to have the characteristic of rapidly increasing its brightness in a short time while being comparable to (a type of supernova that is more than 10 times brighter than a normal supernova).

The origin of FBUT has not been clarified yet, but the data obtained immediately following its occurrence suggests that it may be related to a very active compact object (high-density object). .. According to the research team, the following phenomena can be considered.

・ A star approaching a black hole is destroyed by tidal force.“Tidal disruption phenomenon”
・ Due to the collapse of a massive starFormation of black holes and magnetars (neutron stars with strong magnetic fields)
・ A type of supernova“Pulsating electron pair generation supernova”Interaction between the matter released in Hase Seishū and the matter around the star (the matter surrounding the star)

The research team will continue to explore sudden objects using the Subaru Telescope’s HSC to elucidate the origin of the mysterious FBUT.

connection:Is it a companion star that survived the supernova explosion of the main star?Hubble Space Telescope observations


  • Image Credit: Kavli IPMU
  • Kavli IPMU ――For the first time, I captured the moment when a celestial body suddenly became super bright.
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Subaru Telescope –For the first time, I captured the moment when a celestial body that suddenly became super bright was generated.
  • Jiang et al. – MUSSES2020J: The Earliest Discovery of a Fast Blue Ultraluminous Transient at Redshift 1.063

Text/Matsumura Takehiro



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