BILD exposed: The 5 nuclear lies of the nuclear opponents | politics

Anything but nuclear power!

If the Greens, SPD and environmental organizations have their way, the last 3 kilns will have to be taken off the grid by the end of 2022, despite the energy crisis. The reasons for this: diverse!

But are they correct?

BILD exposes 5 lies of the nuclear opponents

► Claim: Germany does not have an electricity problem, but a heat problem!

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (52, Greens) says: “Nuclear power doesn’t help us at all.”

The fact is: the more gas is used to produce electricity, the less is left for heating. If the nuclear power plants remain connected to the grid (6 percent of electricity production), there is more gas left over for heating.

Electricity problems are also expected in Habeck’s own ministry: State Secretary Patrick Graichen (50) recommended companies to buy emergency generators to compensate for power outages.

► Claim: The safety checks of the nuclear power plants take far too long!

The fact is: the reactors are checked regularly. A TÜV report (March): The power plants might be “safe” and “continue to be operated with a few additional measures”.

Assertion: The social consensus on nuclear power off must not be jeopardized!

Says, among other things, Green Party leader Britta Haßelmann (60). According to the INSA Institute, 64 percent of Germans are in favor of longer terms – and even 40 percent of Greens voters.

► Claim: New fuel rods are not there in time!

The fact is: The kilns might work in “stretching mode”. This means that the fuel rods are used beyond their intended expiry date. TÜV conclusion: “possible”!

► Claim: There are not enough staff!

The fact is: the same problem exists with coal-fired power plants, which are restarted at Habeck’s request.

Operators also say: It will not fail because of the staff.



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