A new case, Naira Ashraf, an unknown director reveals details, and a famous actress objected

Although her killer was sentenced to death by hanging, she is still The case of student Mohamed Adel’s slaughter of his colleague Naira Ashraf in front of Mansoura University The source of interest and the talk of the Egyptian street, where the pioneers of social networking sites in Egypt revealed a post published on the page of an obscure director named Moamen Nour, written in conjunction with the timing of the killing of Naira Ashraf, in which he confirmed that he was a director of a movie starring the Egyptian artist Aida Riad and the dead student, who was She will play the artist’s daughter in the film, he claims.

Nour wrote through his personal account on “Facebook”, before he then deleted the post following it began circulating that the student was going to act with the artist Aida Riad following the end of the exams at the end of the university academic year, but all of that stopped following her murder.

Submerged director’s post


She was going to be a star

He continued, “May God have mercy on her, Naira. She would have become a big star and had a future.”

Nour added: “Nira was happy with these words and expressed her joy with childish feelings,” noting that he promised her that he would make her one of the most important communication sites, and that she would be a star behind which satellite channels and newspapers were eager to interview her.

The director continued by saying that he was aware of what was happening between her and her colleague at the university, Muhammad Adel, and advised her more than once to ignore him and not respond to his threats, assuring her that she would be in another area away from him, and explaining that he saw over the phone the killer’s threats to her and spoke to him by phone and advised him to stay away from Naira, and threatened him that he would confront him if he repeated his attempts to attack her.

Aida Riad

Aida Riad

Aida Riad denies

For her part, actress Aida Riad denied what the obscure director said, and in statements to local websites, she denied her interview with the director and the murdered student.

Aida Riad expressed her dissatisfaction with the inclusion of her name in such cases, declaring that she had never met Naira Ashraf in her life.

Mansoura student Naira Ashraf

Mansoura student Naira Ashraf

death threats

The Egyptian police records, which were drawn up following the killing of Naira Ashraf, revealed the last WhatsApp messages between her and the killer, and carried explicit threats from the perpetrator to his colleague.

And the investigators discovered The presence of threatening messages from the killer to his colleague over the phoneAnd, for example, was a message dated April 6, in which he said, “Get ready for what will happen to you.. Prepare to stay, oh.”…..” And between the points, he left out, “You account with me less,” “don’t give more than this because you don’t Haseep Vicki is healthy.”

The killer admitted that he really intended to kill her, and was waiting for the right opportunity to do so.

Two weeks ago, the Criminal Court in Mansoura, northern Egypt, had sentenced the killer of Naira Ashraf to death, following the Mufti of Egypt approved the death sentence, in the fastest ruling in the history of the Egyptian judiciary.

The case of student Mohamed Adel’s beheading of his colleague Naira Ashraf in front of the university was a painful catastrophe that shook the Egyptian street.



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