Heat warning: The state of Carinthia activates the heat protection plan for the first time

Due to persistent extreme heat, the heat protection plan is activated. Precautions must be taken – over 900 facilities are alerted – Deputy Governor Prettner: Take the alarm seriously, implement recommendations for hospitals, nursing homes, mobile services and childcare facilities to protect people.
CARINTHIA. The ongoing heat wave requires the state of Carinthia to activate the heat protection plan for the first time this year. At the same time, more than 900 facilities are alerted and measures to counteract the heat are connected. Health officer Beate Prettner not only appeals to people in hospitals, nursing homes, childcare facilities, rescue organizations and mobile services to first take the recommendations and implement them.

To protect health

“The measures that go hand in hand with the heat protection plan are important and advisable for everyone to comply with in order to protect health and not to overload the in-house resources in the more than 900 facilities. A heat wave is by no means to be taken lightly, it there is hardly anyone who is not bothered by these temperatures. Health can suffer if you take extreme temperatures lightly,” says Prettner today. Information on the heat protection plan is sent to the facilities via the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics.

Heat will increase

According to ZAMG forecasts, the current heat will increase further, any thunderstorms in the next few days will not bring any cooling in most parts of the country, temperatures will remain well above 30 degrees. The heat protection plan is activated when a high temperature load lasting at least three days is to be expected.

Be careful when taking medication

According to Prettner, who is a doctor herself, the extreme weather situation is particularly stressful for older citizens, for the sick and children. This is also linked to the special mindfulness when taking medication, because certain medicines can affect the water balance of the body or the body temperature. These include diuretics and sedatives, certain antibiotics, and medications that limit alertness following ingestion.

Identify risk patients

In all facilities, care should therefore be taken to identify patients at risk, to analyze the spatial conditions and to define remedial measures, such as ventilation options or air conditioning. According to Prettner, the number of employees should also be closely monitored and the flow of information should be checked with regard to the corresponding advance warning.

Don’t underestimate the heat

“All Carinthians are called upon not to underestimate the heat and its effects and to take care of themselves by drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day, fruit juices are also good. Avoid alcohol, as well as those with a high sugar or caffeine content Drinks. Loose clothing and a hat also help. However, the most important thing is to avoid any physical exertion outdoors,” Prettner points out.

Heat stress warning sign

The health officer also explains which warning signs of heat stress should be taken seriously: “Heavy sweating, loss of performance, dizziness, difficult breathing, muscle cramps, vomiting and diarrhea can be triggered by the extreme temperatures. Please don’t ignore them,” urges Prettner . Prettner calls on all bathers and hikers not to underestimate the possibility of sunstroke, which can occur due to the effects of the sun’s rays on the unprotected head and neck. “Anyone who starts to suffer from a red, hot head, complains of headaches and possible nausea should be brought to the shade immediately, laid with a slightly raised upper body and their head cooled with cold compresses!”, explains Prettner. The extreme temperatures can lead to heat stroke, which is a life-threatening condition. “Be sure to call a doctor if there is a clouding of consciousness up to unconsciousness, drink water, cool your body,” said the health officer.

Don’t leave animals in the car

But Prettner also addresses the population as an animal welfare officer. Animals must also be able to retreat to the shade and have sufficient water. “No one should underestimate the heat trap car, it is life-threatening if children or animals are left in a stationary car, even if only for a few minutes,” warns Prettner urgently, especially since these cases occur summer following summer. “Many heat patients, damage to health, can be avoided if the measures are taken seriously,” Prettner urged the population.



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