Liver insufficiency and want to meet the wife’s sexual needs? Can I take aphrodisiacs – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Liver insufficiency and want to meet the wife’s sexual needs?Can I take aphrodisiac?

Can I take Cialis for liver insufficiency?
Common ED treatment drugs are Cialis, Viagra, and Leweizhuang, which are mainly eliminated by liver metabolism. Plasma Cialis concentrations 24 hours after administration in patients with hepatic impairment (eg, cirrhosis) were 3-8 times higher than in healthy volunteers. The pharmacokinetics of Cialis in patients with severe hepatic impairment have not been studied. Since liver damage can lead to an increase in plasma Cialis levels, it is recommended that the initial dose of such patients should also be 5 mg, and the specific treatment plan should also be consulted by a physician.

Some patients often ask our physicians on the official website of Cialis Taiwan ( “Can taking Cialis cause a heart attack?”, “Can chronic renal insufficiency take Cialis?”, ” Can I take Cialis for liver insufficiency?” and “Can Cialis be taken with food and alcohol?” These questions are frequently asked by patients. Today, doctors will answer these questions for everyone.

TADARISE-5 Cialis 5mg a day, a stable dose, maintenance and repair in the body, take one 5mg at a fixed time every day, on the fifth day, the body will have a stable 8mg dose, and it is necessary to carry out impotence and benign prostate hypertrophy. Disease treatment and maintenance

Chinese name: Cialis 5mg, Cialis 5mg, Cialis Daily Tablets

Production Pharmaceutical Factory: sunrise Sunrise Pharmaceutical Factory

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Cialis 5mg effect: treatment of impotence and benign prostatic hypertrophy comorbidities

Cialis FAQ
The following questions are frequently asked by patients, so today the doctor will specifically explain it so that patients can understand Cialis more clearly.

Can Cialis be taken with food and alcohol?
Studies have shown that taking Cialis with or before meals has no effect on its effectiveness! A high diet will not reduce the absorption rate of Cialis, but affect the onset time, which is more convenient than Viagra.

Can taking Cialis cause a heart attack?
Some patients worry that their sexual life after taking Cialis will be too intense and cause a heart attack (myocardial infarction), but from the clinical data of patients taking Cialis in the past, this does not happen. Large-scale studies have shown no change in myocardial infarction morbidity and mortality in patients taking Cialis, and there is no evidence that Cialis increases the risk of serious cardiovascular events. When the patient takes it in accordance with the dosage recommended by the doctor, the effect on blood pressure is very small, and there will be no additive effect when taking antihypertensive drugs at the same time.

Cipla Cipla Cialis can be used to treat impotence such as difficult erection, hard erection, and insufficient hardness. About 80% of patients with impotence are effective in clinical medicine.

Where to buy Cialis:

Cialis Specifications: Four pieces per box

Cialis Ingredients: Tadalafil 20mg

The cardiovascular risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) patients is generally divided into three categories: low, intermediate, and high. Most patients were in the low cardiovascular risk category, and it was safe to start or resume sex and receive ED treatment. For patients with moderate and high risk, before treating ED, they should go to the hospital for cardiovascular function assessment and receive treatment from a physician. After the cardiovascular function has reached a stable state, the physician can re-evaluate before deciding whether to use the drug.

In addition, sex life itself has a potential threat to the heart of patients with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, ED drugs, including Cialis, should generally not be used in patients whose cardiovascular status is not suitable for sexual activity. If symptoms such as angina pectoris, dizziness, nausea, etc. occur at the beginning of sex, stop sex immediately and discuss these conditions with your doctor. Where to buy Cialis: line: avseo99

Cialis is not affected by alcohol, but alcohol is also a mild vasodilator and can also lower blood pressure. When the plasma alcohol concentration of healthy volunteers was 0.08%, Cialis 10mg did not enhance the antihypertensive effect of alcohol; the peak plasma concentration of Cialis and red wine were not affected, and there were no significant changes in hemodynamic parameters. It shows that alcohol has no effect on the effect of Cialis. From modern medical research, it has been found that a small or moderate amount of alcohol is helpful for men’s erectile function and prolongs the ejaculation time of men.

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However, if you drink excessively or drink too much, it will not help erection, but may cause damage to the reproductive organs, both direct and indirect. Directly, alcohol inhibits the central nervous system, or the central function of erection, which directly causes the male penis to not work normally; indirectly, it means that alcohol needs to be metabolized by the liver. After excessive drinking and damage to the liver, it will affect the degradation of estrogen, resulting in estrogen in the body Excessive production of hormones is a very unfavorable factor for men. So for a healthy sex life, drink in moderation!

Can I take Cialis for chronic renal insufficiency?
In volunteer patients with mild (creatinine clearance = 50-80 ml/min) and moderate (creatinine clearance = 30-49 ml/min) renal impairment, the pharmacokinetics of Cialis 10 mg were not altered after a single dose. Severe (creatinine clearance <30ml/min) can lead to elevated plasma Cialis levels. For patients with severe renal insufficiency, the initial dose of Cialis should be 5 mg. For specific treatment plans, please consult your doctor first.

Super rhino is a lasting dual effect of aphrodisiac. The ingredients are tadalafil 40mg plus dapoxetine 60mg, known as the strongest Cialis in the world, the maximum half-life is about 2-17.5 hours, and the longest drug effect is about 36 hours. People can still feel the effect 2 days after taking it, and the diet is not restricted. Due to the long-acting characteristics, that is, there is no time pressure, and you can do whatever you want.

English name: extra super tadarise (the outer box and aluminum sheet have the word EXTRA)

Where to buy Super Rhino:

Super Rhino Specifications: 10 pieces per edition / 10 editions per box, 100 pieces in total

Switch to other medicines when they don’t work
There are a small number of patients who are ineffective after taking Cialis (regardless of the dose), which may be due to the patient’s unresponsiveness to tadalafil (the main ingredient of Cialis). In this case, it can be replaced with sildenafil (the main component of Viagra) or vardenafil (Le Vitro).

This situation is not caused by drug resistance or the inability of the drug to be absorbed, but is a relatively complex drug reaction, and the drug has no effect on a very small number of individuals due to physical and other reasons. But this situation is very rare at present, and the pharmacist profession has seen this situation less than ten times over the years, so there is no need to worry about it. (

The above questions are frequently asked by patients, and here doctors answer them. It should be noted that for some patients with other diseases, please contact your doctor before taking Cialis, and do not buy Cialis at will.

Today’s content is here. If patients have other questions, they can directly contact the doctor on the official website of the pharmacy Cialis, or add a doctor’s LINE consultation.

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