SDGs: The UN mobilizes more than 22 million dollars

The United Nations announced on Monday the mobilization of 22.9 million dollars to deal with the energy, food and financial crises that threaten the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Thus, the Joint UN Fund for the SDGs has activated an emergency development modality that offers a rapid way for donors and development partners to contribute demand-driven funding for a coordinated UN response. , for a period of six months, to deal with this triple crisis.

In a statement, the UN agency said the war in Ukraine has triggered a three-dimensional crisis that is producing alarming cascading effects on a global economy already battered by COVID-19 and climate change.

“The rapidity and interconnected nature of these effects call for a rapid response from the United Nations development system to help countries address the socio-economic impacts, while further strengthening the case for a faster transition to the renewable energy, economic diversification, digital transformations and food staples, thereby accelerating progress towards the SDGs,” the Fund stressed.

Within this framework, the Common Fund for the SDGs indicated that it had activated an envelope of 22.9 million dollars, under the direction of the United Nations Global Crisis Response Group (GCRG), to support 87 United Nations country teams. covering more than 100 countries and territories, in response to the global food, energy and financial crisis.

Through this process, the Fund received 83 joint proposals, requesting up to $250,000 per United Nations country team, and $400,000 per cluster office. To date, the Fund has distributed $16.6 million to 63 United Nations country teams.

In its rapid investments, the Fund supports United Nations country teams under the leadership of resident coordinators. This is to enable these teams to act quickly, to generate analyzes around the crisis, as well as to work with governments and partners to identify and implement preventive actions.

Quoted in the statement, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said UN country teams are using the Joint SDG Fund’s emergency development modality to help governments design strategic interventions to address the multidimensional crisis in food, energy and finance, and to accelerate the transformation of food systems.



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