Germany saves, Austria plans – Putin’s summit in Tehran -…

We start the news day with you and give you a quick overview of the most important topics of the morning.

Germany saves, Austria plans: Colder pools and cooled saunas. Natural gas-powered buses stop. Traffic lights and lights are turned off at night. Schools and sports clubs have to live without hot water. Germany is curbing energy consumption in order to be better off if Russia cuts gas supplies. Plans are deliberately made in Austria that are geared more towards the future than the present, writes Kollegin Anna Thalhammer. More on this [premium]

Morning Gloss: Austria should start saving energy today rather than tomorrow. To do this, the different political levels must be well coordinated. Those who stand together will probably be warmer for longer. More on this [premium]

Together once morest the West: The Russian president, the Iranian hardliner and the head of the Nato-States of Turkey at one table: An unusual tripartite summit is taking place this Tuesday in the Iranian capital, Tehran, with Vladimir Putin, Ebrahim Raisi and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Their countries sometimes pursue conflicting interests – but what the three have in common is their distrust of the West. More on this [premium]

“War crimes” in Vinnytsia: Russia has promised Ukraine tougher terms than before if peace talks resume. Yuri Ushakov, an adviser, complained that concrete results were achieved in the negotiations in Turkey in March before Kyiv broke off contact ORF TVthek will be subject to a fee”}’>Putins: “So if the negotiations are resumed now, then it will be on completely different terms.” The current events of the war Live report.

Strache once more in the dock: On Tuesday, the trial once morest the former Vice Chancellor and FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache and the co-defendant real estate entrepreneur Siegfried Stieglitz will be continued at the Vienna Regional Court. Among others, the ex-Secretary General of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Andreas Reichhardt, is invited as a witness.

Start EU accession talks: After years of delays, the EU gave the go-ahead for accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania on Tuesday (9 a.m.). EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will receive the heads of government of both countries, Dimitar Kovacevski and Edi Rama, in Brussels.

ORF streaming is chargeable: When the GIS inspector rings at the front door in the future, it will no longer be possible to get out of the affair by not owning a TV or radio and only consuming ORF programs via the Internet on a computer, laptop or other mobile device. The VwGH ruled that the legal loophole must be closed by 2023 at the latest. More on this.



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