Safety protocols in Puerto Rico comply with international safety standards for the benefit of patients, says Dr. Carlos Díaz.

Dr. Carlos Díaz, president of the College of Physicians of Puerto Rico. Photo: Provided to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health by Dr. Díaz.

As a consequence of the event experienced by a woman, who, during her cesarean section, was sexually assaulted by the anesthesiologist inside the operating rooma rejection of the population was generated, and in social networks the discussion regarding the security in the operating rooms, putting on the table the issue of ethics of the personnel of the Health that attends these spaces and that must ensure the Health from the patients.

In an exclusive interview with the Journal of Medicine and Health Public, Dr. Carlos Díaz, president of the College of Physicians of Puerto Rico, highlights the importance of accompanying patients at all times, “in Puerto Rico, in our protocols, a patient is never left alone; she always has to have staff attending, before and following surgery, even a staff under monitor”, evaluating each of the phases and processes guaranteeing good attention and Health from the patients.

Likewise, it postulates that in the event that it is an approach through a medical consultation, or to evaluate the patient, “it has to be done in the presence of a professional or a nurse, it is always with a professional by your side, never, must do alone”, confirms Dr. Díaz.

In a operating roomthere must be a complete team of professionals depending on the Health of the patient to be treated, it is for this that the surgeon is accompanied by the anesthesiologist, the certified nurse anesthetist, the surgical nurse, the surgical technicians, the students and medical assistants, who will guarantee the good procedure with the patient and your needs.

From the World Organization for HealthWHO, measures and challenges have been advanced that from the profession of those named above certify these spaces as safe:

– Prevention of surgical wound infections

It is one of the most frequent factors and causes, when it comes to surgical complications that end up being serious, and many times the reason that generates these failures is not lack of resources, but poor systematization.

– Safety of anesthesia

The prevalence of this cause of death is quite high throughout the world, even when judicious and constant work is done in the search for updating and education for those responsible for it, unfortunately in developed countries, the rate registers high numbers that indicate the serious and persistent failure in the security of anesthesia.

– Safe surgical equipment

Multidisciplinary work is basic to the effective functioning of team systems, complemented by the team’s culture and way of communicating, as well as the clinical aptitude of its members and their appreciation of the situation.

– Measurement of surgical services

A great challenge is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality during childbirth through systematic surveillance in obstetric care systems, although similar surveillance of surgical care has not generally been carried out.

In this particular case, presented in Brazil and which has alerted many, it is presented under precepts that, for Dr. Díaz, are reasons for investigation, since anesthesiologists must have an assistant, an assistant next to them, “nowhere in the world it is allowed to leave a patient alone, not even before in the preoperative period, and in the postoperative period, it is a danger to leave them alone, because it can lead to misinterpretations”.

Where are the complaints made or what is the process like in Puerto Rico?

Complaints initially go through the patient’s advocate, who directs or channels the licensing board, which is where the license is referred to; When a case is presented of a patient who denounces any action or violation of the canons of medical ethics, a review of all the factors within the case is made and the licensing board refers it to the medical legal board as appropriate. each case, to advance legal processes.

The medical college, also when receiving complaints from doctors, is evaluated in the ethical area, and a formal process is made, if necessary to the licensing board to continue with the process, “there are many ways where you can access any patient of any complaint there may be regarding any professional in the Health

Analyzing the current situation of this anesthesiologist, who is accused of assaulting his patient, and taking it to a national context, in Puerto Rico there is a code by medical examiner court of Puerto Ricowith the code and canons of professional ethics, where each of the factors that influence patient care are ruled, in the security of the two parties and related.

In said code, in canon number 2, it establishes the Principles of autonomy and beneficence linked to the virtue of altruism:

“Canon 2: Shall place the patient’s well-being or genuine interest first. Every physician has an obligation to respect the integrity, dignity and identity of the patient’s person.

The doctor will not take advantage of or use his professional status, in the relationship established with a patient to carry out with him any type of approach, insinuation, sexual advance or other action that is detrimental to the dignity of the person.

Provided that this obligation shall end at the time the professional relationship ends. In the case of a patient-doctor-psychiatrist relationship, said obligation will end two (2) years following it has ended.”

Clearly delimiting what would be incurring a contempt or abuse of the code of medical ethicsTherefore, Dr. Carlos Díaz, president of the Puerto Rico College of Physicians, makes a recommendation to his colleagues and those who practice medicine, “if you want to avoid lawsuits, or potential frivolous lawsuits, no matter how well you intend , please, whenever you touch a patient have a professional by your side to help you, to observe and be a witness in any allegation”, it is important to know

Within the process of patient care and in order to guarantee the well-being of both parties, the WHO determined ten essential objectives for the security of surgery in your project:

´Safe Surgery Saves Lives, Second World Challenge for Patient Safety´

See the full program:



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