Hard pulse broke out due to attempt to regulate vapers

For eight years, Congress has been debating and shelving the bills to regulate vapers and electronic cigarettes in Colombia. But those who are promoting that these products be taxed and regulated are preparing a new force in the next Congress, which will take office within 48 hours.

The discussion, however, will not be free of entanglements, even more so because it deals with devices that are increasingly diverse and difficult to classify.

From traditional cigarettes that had a design that was as simple as it was harmful – a tobacco tube wrapped in white paper and a filter – it went on to metallic devices, capable of heating up and even with a USB connection.

Its design generally consists of a steel cigarette, a battery and a chamber in which different substances are deposited.

On the one hand, there are products that use heated tobacco and, on the other, electronic systems without nicotine (SSSN), which, although they do not have the same substance, do use other chemicals that can be harmful, such as vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and multiple flavorings.

health effects

Why are there civil organizations that vehemently oppose these products? His argument is that electronic cigarettes are nothing more than another strategy of the tobacco companies to continue selling products that are harmful to public health.

According to the latest available state data, published by Dane in 2019, around 200,000 minors in Colombia had tried electronic cigarettes.

According to data sent by the Ministry of Health to EL COLOMBIANO, the group that consumes this type of cigarettes and vapers the most is between 18 and 24 years old, with 11.92%. It is worrying that the second age group that consumes the most are children between 12 and 17 years old, with 6.71%.

Because regulation of these devices has not materialized, the number of children and youth using these products is expected to be even higher today.

In terms of risks, it has been shown that nicotine is harmful to the brain development of young people and children and highly addictive.

Organizations like RedPaPaz have pointed out that these industries seek to attract a young audience. Proof of this, they point out, is that the design of their products is striking for children and adolescents (see image).

Other substances contained in these devices can also be harmful. Although several studies have already collected evidence in this regard, in Colombia a team of researchers from the Javeriana University took on the task of investigating how dangerous electronic cigarettes are.

“Although the use of ECIG reduces the consumption of toxic compounds compared to traditional cigarettes, it is still a source of exposure to substances with high carcinogenic potential,” the study notes in its conclusions.

monkeys and obstacles

The fear of the organizations that seek to mitigate the consumption of these products is that when they have tried to promote bills in Congress to regulate them, they make adjustments along the way.

“The good initiatives that have had academic and civil society support have also ended up being damaged throughout the debates,” said Angélica Claro, a RedPaPaz researcher.

The idea of ​​several organizations is to apply the regulations of the Anti-Tobacco Law – which covers common cigarettes and includes a ban on sponsorship of sporting events, a heavy burden of taxes and the inclusion of health notices on devices.

But they warn that past bills have tried to sneak in “monkeys” who intend to make changes to the anti-smoking law, which has been in force since 2009 and is considered a public health achievement.

In this regard, Mauricio Toro, representative to the outgoing Chamber who is in favor of the regulation, pointed out that he was “strongly” opposed to modifying this regulation, since he says that in legislative matters it is one of the great achievements of public health in the country.

“There was a risk that the industry would roll back what had been achieved. Within those debates, someone came up with a proposal to eliminate some aspects. They said that it had been shown that putting a damaged lung or warnings on packs generated more stress in people and more consumption, so they asked to go back to the traditional pack,” Toro said.

Without a doubt, it is a strong industry. According to Silvia Barrero, Vice President of External Affairs at Philip Morris International, they currently have more than 70,000 users of their iQos brand, which includes Electronic Tobacco Heating Systems.

Although he pointed out that he did not have the data on how much income they are generating from that specific product, he did warn that they are also in favor of making an adjustment in tax matters.

“The regulatory framework must be updated, but it must be done correctly, understanding that this category has a risk profile similar to that of cigarettes,” said Barrero. In other words, they ask that the harsh restrictions that cigarettes already have today not be extended to new devices.

The debate is open and will pass through the hands of Congress from this first legislative year. In fact, EL COLOMBIANO learned that there is already a bill by Senator José David Name, of the Partido de la U, which will begin its course in Congress on July 20.

RedPaPaz and other organizations are preparing other independent initiatives, although they pointed out that for now it has not been defined which legislators will defend them.



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