Bosch to invest 3 billion euros in semiconductors

As part of the next European program Piiec on microelectronics and communication technologies, the German Bosch plans to inject 3 billion euros more into its semiconductor business. And this, until 2026. The main objective of this colossal investment is to strengthen Europe’s chip production capacity. And above all to compete with the United States and the Asian players who today hold the largest market shares.

Considered the cornerstone of the modern technological world, semiconductors are found in a wide variety of devices and devices today. From cars and e-bikes to home appliances and smartphones, semiconductors are becoming the centerpiece of every electronic systems. In this perspective, the microelectronics now represents the future and becomes a true growth lever for all Bosch business areas.

As Stefan Hartung said at Bosch Tech Day 2022: “Microelectronics represents great economic potential for us” “It is the keystone of tomorrow’s mobility,IoT. ‘And what we at Bosch call a technology invented for life”.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has created a wave of chip shortages that have affected and are affecting the Supply Chain world. Thus, to meet the strong demand for electronic chips, Bosch has decided to invest an additional three billion euros in this sector.

On the menu are the expansion of its production capacities in Europe. As well as the optimization of the production of the manufacture of its Mems of the wafers of 300 mm. Not to mention the manufacture of silicon carbide chips.

Increasing Europe’s competitiveness

As part of its investment, Bosch recently opened two new development centers in Reutlingen and Dresden. The total cost of this operation amounts to more than 170 million euros.

At the same time, to meet the continued growth in demand from its customers, the German group plans to inject 250 million euros. This in order to offer 3000 square meters more clean room in its brand new factory in Dresden.

In addition, this investment also aims to leverage funding under the plan European Chips Act. Indeed, the European Union and the German federal government will provide funds for the next Piec. This is with the aim of developing a robust European semiconductor ecosystem, doubling the European market share in global chip production to 20% by the end of the decade. And above all to promote research and innovation

Manufacture of Mems on 300 mm wafers and Bosch silicon carbide chips

Bosch also wants to be open to new areas of innovation. On the one hand, the German equipment manufacturer intends to make its automotive radar sensors much smaller and smarter. But above all cheaper to produce.

On the other side, Bosch also wants to modify its own micro-electromechanical systems (Mems). This, so that they are more suitable for applications grand public. In addition, to consolidate its leading position in this segment, Bosch plans to manufacture its Mems sensors on 300 mm wafers. Production is expected to start in 2026.

Another key point of the investment plan lies in the development of new semiconductors. To cite only the carbure of silicon (SiC). This paves the way for the optimization of theelectrification of vehicles. Note that production began at the end of 2021 at the Reutlingen plant.



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