Fear of a bad diagnosis – how to deal with it

Especially when you notice changes in yourself, the fear of a bad diagnosis quickly arises. Research on the Internet often only increases this fear, so it is important to stop the downward spiral in time.

Fear of a bad diagnosis – you can do that

Worrying regarding getting a bad diagnosis soon can be debilitating. The following tips will help you get through the time until certainty.

  • Try to keep your anxiety under control. Your fear can spiral into a vicious circle, eventually leading you to even fear of fear develop.
  • Fear does not only have negative effects. You can turn your anxiety into something positive by actively working towards a healthier lifestyle.
  • Also, realize that your fear has no bearing on your diagnosis. Just because you worry doesn’t stop something from happening.
  • You live today. And today you decide for yourself whether you want to enjoy your life or let go of your fears enjoyment of life let take.
  • Ultimately, no one really knows what’s going to happen. For example, you might have an accident before your diagnosis.
  • In this light, it seems all the more important not to fill the days with worries and fears, but with what you love.
  • If you want to brace yourself for the worst, think regarding what comes following fear. How would you like to use your remaining time?
  • Do you have fear of death, remind yourself of what is beautiful in your life. What do you like to do? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?
  • Focus on these things. Be thankful for what you have.

Hypochondria or legitimate concern?

Being afraid is a normal human reaction. But where is the line between justified concern and pathological panic?

  • You feel that something is wrong, you are in pain or notice limitations in your daily life.
  • The change may cause you legitimate concern. For example, if there have already been cases of illness in your family that are similar to your symptoms.
  • You may have experienced an illness yourself and are now concerned that you will become ill once more.
  • In addition, recent deaths in your circle of acquaintances can increase your anxiety if you notice symptoms yourself.
  • However, if you start overly worrying regarding small changes, a Hypochondria be the reason.
  • This is a mental illness. Those affected perceive the signals of their body in an exaggerated form and tend to think catastrophically.
  • Hypochondriacs often also have a very high level of health awareness, use alternative medicine and obtain excessive information from the Internet.
  • Hypochondria can be caused by a behavior therapy be treated. It is often not possible to cure the disease completely, but it can at least be alleviated.



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