He is in constant dialogue with relatives of a medical intern: Aispuro – El Sol de Durango

From the moment that the unfortunate events occurred in which a medical intern at the Autonomous University of Durango lost his life, a constant dialogue has been maintained with family members, authorities and students of that institution to let them know how the investigations that have been carried out so far are progressing. resulting in an arrest, said Governor José Rosas Aispuro Torres.

During a meeting with the “Lobo” collective, led by its rector Martín Soriano Sariñana, the president explained his government’s will to advance the investigation of this murder where, unfortunately, a young medical intern who worked in a rural clinic lost his life. The Jump, New Town, Durango.

The president indicated that following establishing communication with a brother of the deceased doctor, they were assured that they will be through the Attorney General’s Office in full coordination with them and the university authority to inform them of each advance in the investigation.

He affirmed that they will be informed of the follow-up of this case, clarifying any doubts they have in this regard and that they are certain that there is full willingness to collaborate at all times.

For his part, the rector of the UAD recognized the openness that the state authorities led by the governor have shown from the beginning, who is not only open to dialogue, but also to provide the security that students demand when providing their social service. in official health institutions.



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