her best photos with her baby

Carla Barber She is going through one of the sweetest stages of her life following welcoming her little Bastian on May 2. The surgeon is enjoying her first summer as a mother to the fullest and he does not hesitate to share some images of his fun adventures in the most enviable destinations on social networks. Carla Barber combines her free time with her work and she herself has recognized that the fact of having to separate from her little one makes her a world. Therefore, she tries to take it everywhere. Just a few days ago, the former contestant on ‘Survivors’ took advantage of the weekend to do a getaway to Lanzarote. There, they enjoyed family time. The surgeon drools over little Bastian and proof of this is the affectionate poses that she shares on her social networks. Of course, always protecting the privacy of the newborn. “We keep accumulating memories“Barber assured on his Instagram account. They are being a wonderful few months for her and there is still the rest of the summer to continue living adventures with her little one.

Carla Barber’s scare for little Bastian

A few days ago, Carla Barber shared with everyone the great concern she had for her son following having to take him to the pediatrician for some noises he made when breathing. The surgeon revealed that little Bastian had the “immature trachea” It makes you wheeze when you breathe. It is not something to worry regarding since it was normal. Although she is calm following listening to the pediatrician, it is true that at first she was alarmed and now she is very aware of the evolution of her little one. Her facet as her mother is squeezing her to the fullest and she is enjoying it to the fullest. So much so that she considers becoming a mother once more and she dreams of having a large family. “It is the greatest joy of my life. Now everything has a different meaning. I have a baby and I would like to have four more”, she came to tell her. For now, she is counting down the days to move into her new mansion, something that has not yet arrived since has fallen trees in the garden due to the snowfall of Filomena. A part of the house that is not safe and that causes that they cannot be installed. She is already counting down the days to be able to enjoy her whole family in her new home, until then she is going to make the most of her vacations with the love of her life and little Bastian.



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