Sunday, July 17, 2022
international news
Biden “begging for oil” did not get China’s commitment to Tika Shuji murder, Mohammed retorted that the United States also made mistakes
Biden’s fist bump with Saudi crown prince was reprimanded as worse than handshake
U.S. pushes ‘Middle East version of NATO’, UAE expressly rejects anti-Iran coalition
G20 finance ministers meeting on Russia-Ukraine war disagreement fails to issue a communiqué
Assassination of Abe suspects: the shooting plan was implemented because of financial constraints
EU and ASEAN hold first summit in December to deal with threats from China and Russia
Sri Lankan president’s resignation letter blames virus for dragging economy
Forensic: Trump’s ex-wife’s death from blunt trauma may be accidental
Nearly 600 dead in Europe and Portugal due to heat wave
Experts predict that 97% of British homes have no air-conditioning in 28 years of high temperature
Mexican drug lord arrested for killing undercover top 10