7 ways to slow ‘aging’ safely in everyday life

Aging is a human destiny. But it can be delayed. You should try to slow aging through regular diet and exercise. [사진=게티이미지]

‘Aging’ requires looking inside and outside the body. No matter how hard you try to prevent wrinkles on your skin, it will be in vain if your internal organs or brain age quickly. The aging process cannot be stopped. It can be delayed though. Learn how to slow aging in your daily life.

◆ What is the safest and proven ‘anti-aging’ food?

There is no need to look for expensive health foods to prevent aging. The safest and proven ‘anti-aging’ foods are all around us. It’s just vegetables and fruits. It is the best health food that has been verified and confirmed by health authorities and experts in each country, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants. ‘Oxidation’ is what accelerates aging by damaging the body. Antioxidant nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium are antioxidants that fight oxidation. Vegetables and fruits contain many substances that prevent disease and cancer, such as dietary fiber, physiologically active substances (phytoestrogens, flavonoids, chlorophyll, etc.) and folic acid.

News… Why eating less can slow cellular aging

The reason news slows aging is because it suppresses ‘free radicals’ that are harmful to the body. Free radicals are free radicals that are generated during metabolic processes in the body and accelerate aging by damaging healthy cells. Frequent overeating increases free radicals. If you eat less food, the function of mitochondria in the cell is strengthened and free radicals are reduced. The news isn’t regarding cutting food to extremes. It is better to start with the feeling that you are eating less than your usual amount of food. Let go of the spoon before you feel full.

◆ Move your body often… Excessive exercise is poison

Fitness, hiking, and tennis aren’t the only sports. If you actively move your body in your daily life, it is all exercise. Not using the calories from food can lead to obesity, disease, and cancer. You must walk often and move your arms and body. Middle-aged and older people should be careful of excessive exercise. Excessive exercise rather increases free radicals and is harmful to the body. Many people injure their knee joints while hiking. Exercise should be safe. Do not sit or lie down following eating, and move your body between living rooms and rooms.

◆ Blocking UV rays… Get in the sun for 20 minutes in the morning

Ultraviolet rays are the main cause of aging of the eyes as well as the skin. When the skin is frequently exposed to UV rays, wrinkles and loss of elasticity are promoted, and the risk of pigment diseases such as spots and age spots increases. The eyes can also lead to eye diseases such as macular degeneration, which accelerates the aging of the retina and causes blindness. When going out, wear sunscreen, a long-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to prevent sun exposure. However, 20 minutes in the morning with bare skin in the sun is good for vitamin D production. Recently, especially among women, vitamin D deficiency, which is important for bone health and immunity, is increasing, which is a problem.

◆ The power of a glass of water… Drink more often in hot weather

In order to slow the aging of the skin as well as the organs of the body, you need to drink water frequently. Even with blood, the main component is water (water). Imagine the blood thickening, forming clots and clogging blood vessels, leading to heart disease and stroke. Water accelerates the body’s metabolism. It is the action of replacing an ‘old’ in the body with a ‘new’ one. To replace old cells with new ones, your metabolism needs to be smooth. Drink plain water in the morning on an empty stomach. Coffee or milled beverages are not water. On the contrary, caffeine, etc. can take away water from the body. You should drink fresh water often.

◆ Avoid ultra-processed foods with few natural ingredients

It is often surprising to look at the ingredient list on the packaging of processed foods. Because it is full of unfamiliar ingredients. For long-term distribution, there will be ingredients that prevent spoilage. If you enjoy ultra-processed foods rather than just eating them once in a while, you can harm your health and accelerate the aging of your organs. The World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified processed meats such as bacon, sausage and ham as a group 1 carcinogen. Natural food is more efficient and safer than expensive health food that has gone through a factory.

◆ If the brain is aging quickly even if the body is healthy

What if the body is strong but the brain degenerates and dementia progresses? It would be very disappointing. It is a tragedy not only for you but also for your family. It is necessary to slow the aging of the brain as well as the body. Try to maintain an optimistic mind and prevent depression. It is necessary to slow down the rate of brain degeneration through daily journal writing, learning new things such as foreign languages ​​and musical instruments, and hobbies that are good for the brain. By preventing brain aging, you can feel the true meaning of physical health.

Reporter Kim Yong-eok ecok@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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