First driving lesson: student driver crashed into a tree with a motorcycle at the practice area: 41-year-old dead

It was her first riding lesson on a 75hp motorcycle and it ended tragically. At the end of the session, a 41-year-old wanted to try starting and stopping once more on a final lap. But she may have lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree on a green island in the practice parking lot in the “Grazer Vorstadt” in Voitsberg.

Rescuers tried everything

Despite wearing a helmet and protective clothing, she suffered serious injuries in the accident. “What happened then can only be guessed at the moment,” says police spokesman Heimo Kohlbacher. According to the current state of investigation, the woman may have hit the curb with the 75 hp Yamaha. Maybe she was startled and pushed through the gas. She drove the road machine directly to the green island and crashed head-on into the tree. Despite protective clothing and a crash helmet, she died at the scene of the accident.
“The motorcycle was secured by order of the public prosecutor’s office,” said Kohlbacher. A possible technical defect or a health cause is also examined. The 41-year-old was married and has two children.

According to the Red Cross, the driving instructor found respiratory arrest, immediately began resuscitation and informed the emergency services. An ambulance from Voitsberg “was on site five minutes following the alarm was raised”. An emergency doctor who lives not far from the scene of the accident and was at home was called. He took over the emergency medical care until the arrival of the helicopter crew.

Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful

The flight weather only allowed a landing at the Gaisfeld fire brigade, so the emergency medical team was brought to the scene with the command vehicle. Even following more than an hour, the eight-strong team with two emergency doctors tried to revive them without success. It had to be determined that the driver was dead. The Red Cross Crisis Intervention Team was alerted to take care of the first responders and those present.

Motorcycle secured, investigations are ongoing

Voitsberg police officers seized the approximately 75 hp motorcycle yesterday on the order of the Graz public prosecutor’s office to preserve evidence. It is examined by an expert on behalf of the judiciary. The course of the accident is the subject of further investigations by the executive.



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