Kodak Black: Rapper Arrested in Florida for Drug Possession USA USA United States Celebs RMMN | FAME

the rapper Kodak Black He was arrested in Florida (USA) for drug possession and trafficking, in a new incident involving the controversial artist, who was arrested last January for entering a property without permission, local media reported this Saturday.

Black, whose given name is Bill Kapri, whose singles “Zeze” and “Roll in Peace” have gone platinum and multi-platinum in the US, He was taken to the Broward County jail in southwestern Florida following being arrested for possession of oxycodone. a drug from the opiate family.

The artist was arrested on charges of drug possession and trafficking following being intercepted in the city of Fort Lauderdale on Friday followingnoon.

Born in South Florida, the 25-year-old singer He was driving a Dodge Durango model car when local police officers stopped him. for having windows darker than the legal limit, according to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP).

FHP spokesman Lt. Alex Camacho said officers smelled marijuana in Black’s vehicle and searched his car, where they found 31 oxycodone pills and $74,960 in cash, which led to his arrest. In addition, the driver’s license and registration (plate) of the vehicle were also expired.

Black has been involved in recent years in a series of legal problems that have tarnished its image.

The singer was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for buying guns from a Miami-Dade County store with forged documents and false information, a sentence commuted in 2020 by then President Donald Trump and that allowed the rapper to serve almost half of his sentence alone.

in april last year was sentenced to probation in a court proceeding in South Carolina in which he faced charges of rape of a teenager, but he reached an agreement in which he pleaded guilty to assault.

Black, since 2014, has sold more than 30 million singles and has achieved several “multi-platinum” hits and certified platinum, including “Zeze”, “No Flockin’” and “Roll in Peace”.


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