Ericsson, Qualcomm and Thalès want 5G by satellite everywhere!

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5G everywhere on Earth?

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5G everywhere on Earth?

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5G everywhere on Earth?

We have been hearing regarding this potential for years, which should go far beyond what Elon Musk’s Starlink offers. Ericsson, Qualcomm and Thalès indeed aim to offer 5G on your smartphone anywhere on Earth….

Be careful, because even if this project seems utopian, the forces involved are not negligible. The Swedish Ericsson is one of the most advanced 5G equipment manufacturers, a partner of Swisscom. The American founder Qualcomm is an expert in chips for smartphones, while the very discreet French Thalès is active in aerospace in addition to armaments and security…

A global 5G smartphone

This announcement comes following the validation of 5G satellite-driven non-terrestrial networks (5G NTN) by the global telecommunications standards body 3GPP. That’s for the theory, because the three groups that are among the world leaders in their field must now demonstrate that all of this is feasible… An excessive ambition? In any case, the tests will begin in France…

“The result might concretely mean that a future 5G smartphone will be able to use 5G connectivity anywhere on Earth and provide complete global coverage for broadband data services, including in areas that are normally only covered by historic satellite telephone systems”, write the friends in a Press release.

Anywhere on Earth?

“Benefits of 5G connectivity via Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are expected to include coverage in extreme geographic areas or remote locations across seas, oceans and other locations where terrestrial coverage is absent,” they continue. It remains to be seen what form this satellite constellation would take and the problems it would cause in space.

In any case, “Ericsson plans to check the 5G virtual RAN (vRAN) layer, modified to process radio signals that propagate (what happens to 5G radio waves that travel through the vacuum of space and the Earth’s atmosphere) through the intermediary of the fast-moving LEO satellites”, according to the same text.

Finally, “Thales plans to verify 5G radio satellite payload suitable for deployment on LEO satellites, while Qualcomm plans to provide test phones to verify that 5G NTN can be accessed from future 5G smartphones,” is it further specified. To be continued, very critically…

Xavier Studer



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