Without shame and for the first time, Ghada Abdel Razek breaks her silence and boldly confesses: Is this part of my body the reason for my divorce and my love for men?

Controversial Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek sparked a wave of controversy in the middle when she spoke on the Anna and Honey program with the journalist Nishan without shame and with all boldness regarding the causes of her divorce and the ruin of her home, alluding to him in her responses to the questions of the Lebanese media.

This came following her talk regarding the betrayal that shocked her from her husband, Muhammad Fouda, if she said without shame: “Her husband, Muhammad Fouda, cheated on her with another woman.”

Although she had indicated that “the greatest evidence of the continuation of the relationship between them and the completion of the marriage project is the agreement to go to perform the Umrah in the month of Ramadan,” but that the divorce occurred for this reason, which she confirmed in later dialogues, answering the question of the reason for their divorce.

It is worth noting that some of the public do not know that Ghada Abdel Razek has married 11 times to different husbands and failed a lot in the marriage relationship.

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