Rural households rely on the Marmaille Animation

After a successful 2021 edition which made all the participants happy, whatever their age, the rural homes of Haute-Marne are repeating the festi’marmaille action on Saturday July 23, in Rolampont, with many activities.

After two years during which, although they were able to maintain a good number of events, the overall context was not always favourable, rural households are teeming with ideas at the start of the summer. Thus, following the ecotopia festival held in Auberive, this time it is another audience that is targeted with Festi’marmaille, which will be held on July 23 at the Rolampont gymnasium. This activity set up down to the smallest detail by rural homes is aimed at families and especially children from 3 years old. The Festi’marmaille will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with workshops that will punctuate the whole day. Thus, the theme of the tale will be present with the action “the tale, a whole story”. For lovers of more physical activities, sport, particularly in connection with nature, will also be on the program for the day. There is no doubt that participants should find something to occupy themselves throughout their time at the festival.

Activities to do with the family

See you in Rolampont for Festi’marmaille 2022 (©JHM).

If the name is Festi’marmaille, and in fact is aimed at children, the event targets an audience that goes well beyond young people. Indeed, the workshops offered can also be of interest to families as a whole. This is the case, for example, with the Je, tu, nous, vous bricolons action, which should bring parents and children together around manufacturing and DIY. In addition to board games which also bring together all or part of the range of generations around the same table, the Festi’marmaille will also propose the setting up of a musical garden. This will be made from children’s creations. At the musical level, the public will also be able to enjoy at 4 p.m. the concert given by the Air de Rien company, which will serve as the final note of the day. The latter is part of the rich summer program of rural homes, which try to offer entertainment to a wide audience. This was particularly the case on June 30 in Villegusien at the fitness and health hall with the fitness evening. This 2e edition carried jointly by the Departmental Sports Committee of Rural Homes of Haute-Marne and the association La Montagne brought together more than sixty people. The program concocted by sports educators allowed everyone to discover or rediscover several activities: warming up through step, muscle strengthening, rock dancing, an introduction to “Pound Fitness” (with drumsticks) and stretching.

Pierre Gaudiot

[email protected]



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