This is what customers think of the products in 3B Stores

  • 3B stores turn to microinfluecer to know the opinion of customers regarding their products.

  • The strategy of marketing of influencers it is one of the most used resources, thanks to the reach they generate among the audiences.

  • Tiendas 3B, on TikTok, has just over 14,000 followers and a cumulative 39,000 likes.

3B stores take advantage of their stay in social networks to know the opinion of customers regarding their products. There is no doubt that social networks are, today, a great tool for brands or companies to be closer to their consumers, and to know, through them, the preferences of customers.

Of course, something that will never change is the fact that consumers want fair prices and, given this, the alternatives can be various if we consider that, at present, there are stores that claim to have the lowest prices.

In this context, in Mexico there are some establishments that have earned the preference of consumers, either because of the variety of their products, their prices, the offers, etc. The competition, as we have seen, is increasingly fierce, and consumers continue to search for those establishments with the lowest prices.

Given this, One of the stores that has won over a proportion of society is Tiendas 3B, a Mexican company that, unlike department stores, is located in neighborhoods with fewer economic resources.which is why their prices are usually much lower than those that can be found in stores such as Bodega Aurrerá, Chedraui, Walmart, etc.

Tiendas 3B joins the marketing de influcencers to promote your products

Today, brand strategies are much more focused on the digital section, on social networks and, on many occasions, on influencersthis with the aim of reaching a new niche of consumers who, at present, are deeper into the web.

We might see an example of this with the alliance that Soriana made with the influecner Luisito Communicates, one of the most followed internet personalities on social media and, for some, the most popular content creator in the country. In that sense, the collaboration was, of course, a strategy and a window that allows Soriana to reach the audience of the influencerwhich, by the way, is counted in the millions.

Now, Soriana is not the only one who has taken advantage of this resource. Bodega Aurrerá did something similar taking advantage of the freestyle boom with an alliance with rapper Aczino in order to publicize, through rhymes, the offers of your store.

Another case is that of Tiendas 3B, which, making use of social networks, has decided to experiment with so-called microinfluencers.

In this way, in partnership with a tiktoker called @soy_roxes, Tiendas 3B carried out some surveys with their own customers to know their opinion regarding the products sold in the store and, also, their prices.


@soy_roxez interviewed several clients to find out what their favorite 3B Stores product is??? What’s yours? ?Write us in comments?#Stores3B #tiktokchallenge #interview #surveytiktok #parati

? Tití Asked Me – Bad Bunny


We challenge @soy_roxez to interview clients of Tiendas 3B, find out what they said and you, like them, get more value for your money? #Stores3B #testimony #parati #storytime #fyp

? dance (256762) – TimTaj

The response from users is, in general, positive and, above all, very participative, establishing an important interaction between client and brand.

“They have products from recognized brands that are cheaper than in shopping malls, many things of good quality”; “I buy almost all my pantry in 3B: milk, oil, sugar, soap, fabric softener, soup, bread and sweets”; “Good quality and affordable prices”; “It’s cheaper than other stores”; are some of the opinions deposited in the comment box.

The marketing de influencers It is one of the most used today due to the good results it can offer. This is indicated by the Tomoson platform, which indicates that “Internet users tend to spend more money and are more likely to spread the word regarding a product to friends and family.”

It is known that, in recent years, the use of social networks has changed considerably, to such an extent that today we speak of true commercial showcases of great importance for brands.

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