Hours of travel per week for treatment

A 35-year-old man heavily affected by the disease must travel hours to receive his treatment twice a week, an overwhelming consequence of the lack of space in Quebec health establishments.

Richard Chabot, from Victoriaville, must be taken to Trois-Rivières for his dialysis before being taken home twice a week. This procedure is repeated every Monday and Friday, and sometimes requires spending more than seven hours a day.

“I arrive there, but I have already traveled an hour or an hour and a half. After that, I spend the followingnoon there and I’m back at supper time, but I still have to come back”, explained the patient, visibly affected by the lack of places in health establishments. .

The 35-year-old man suffers from a severe form of diabetes. He lost his left eye and 90% of his vision in his right eye. He also has to live with muscle necrosis in both legs and kidneys that have been in a sorry state since February. Even if the trips to Trois-Rivières are exhausting, he has no other choice while waiting for a place in Victoriaville.

“It’s very demanding. Often, following, I sleep a good day”, he mentioned, explaining that he is often bedridden and that his eyes are sealed with fatigue.

Places that come and go

In February, however, he was assured that the admission period was usually a month to a month and a half. But five months have passed, and there is still no room for Richard Chabot in Victoriaville.

Now that he is at the top of the waiting list to be admitted to the Hôtel-Dieu de Victoriaville, he may lose his place. “If a person has already been hospitalized, but they have gone to Montreal, say, if they come back to Victoriaville, they take my place on the waiting list,” he explained.

A very unfortunate situation for the 30-year-old, who has already seen his name drop on the waiting list. In any case, Richard Chabot might not be admitted before the summer, according to the hospital.

“They say ‘we’ll wait for the summer’, but their time is running out,” lamented Mr. Chabot’s mother, Sylvie Carignan.

According to the CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec, requests for admission have increased over the past two years in Victoriaville. The labor shortage is no stranger to this. Two additional positions will be posted over the next few months to allow the establishment to welcome new patients.

“You almost have to wish someone would die to get a place,” lamented Richard Chabot, discouraged by the turn of events.

He was previously hospitalized in intensive care near his home, but was quickly transferred to Trois-Rivières because his dialysis was scheduled there the same day. “It’s inhuman to go through this,” said M.me Carignan.

In particular, a complaint was filed with the establishments concerned. The family even launched a cry from the heart to its deputy, but it is the status quo until now.

However, time is running out for Richard Chabot, whose condition is deteriorating from traveling. His doctor has also informed him that three dialyses per week will henceforth be necessary to improve his condition. To his doctor, Mr. Chabot replied that it will be difficult to travel in his condition. He expects to feel even more tired and for his illness to gain ground.

“I don’t know what state he’s going to be in in the fall because he can’t do this three times a week,” his mother said.

Unsatisfactory solutions

Of course, Richard Chabot might do his dialysis at home, an option that would add a lot of pressure to Sylvie Carignan, in addition to requiring a new operation.

“It will be me who will be responsible. If I had to make a mistake, it’s serious,” added Mr.me Carignan with a serious air.

Solutions exist, but many of them are not realistic in the case of Richard Chabot. His mother pleads instead for things to change at the Victoriaville hospital.



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