Al-Manar » Table Tennis: The Lebanese Championship for Men’s Teams

On the second day of the Lebanese Championship for men’s teams (first class) in table tennis, which is held at the tables of the Mont LaSalle Club – Ain Saadeh, the following results were recorded:

The first group: Antranic Beirut defeated Riyadi Beirut 3-0 and Al-Fadi Al-Aqdas 3-0. The army defeated the Holy Fadi 3/1 and Homenetmen Jounieh 3/1. Homenetmen Jounieh defeated Major General Saida 3/2 and Major General Saida defeated Riyadi Beirut 3/0 so that the group’s lead was limited to the Antarctic Beirut and the Army.

Group Two: Riyadi Ghazir defeated Al-Ahly Saida 3-0 and Homenetmen Beirut 3-0. Al-Ghadir Jabshit on Al-Riyadi Toll 3/0. It dominated Beirut on Mon Lassalle 3/1 and Al Ghadeer Jabechit on Mon Lassalle 3/0. And Al-Ahly Saida on Riyadi Toll 3/1. Riyadi Ghazir topped the second group, while Al-Ahly Saida will compete with Al-Ghadir Jabshit for second place.

The matches were supervised by the head of the technical committee, Fadi Kassis, and the general referee, Dr. Camille Merheb.

The matches were led by the international referees Mostafa El-Dakdoqi and Wael Seif El-Din and the federal referees Elie Samaan, Abdo Abu Jawdeh, Cynthia Ghosn and Ali Al-Arab.



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