This is how Wikipedia defines the dictatorship that has ruled Cuba for more than 50 years

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Protests in Cuba on July 11, 2021. Photo: YAMIL LAGE / AFP

“Each country has its own particularity. In Cuba there is the best democracy, what dictatorship? I saw there how from the neighborhoods they are debating who will be their assemblyman”, this was expressed by former Bolivian president Evo Morales in an interview with the Public Television from Argentina.

The indigenous leader arrived in that country on Monday, July 11, and since then has appeared before journalists, answering questions not only about the Cuban government but has also made reference to the situation of Venezuelans.

After Morales’ statements, the media Infobae hand in hand with its journalist Claudia Peiró, published a analysis of what for Wikipedia is the political system that has governed the island for more than 50 years, specifically since 1959.

«Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution (1959), the Cuban political system has been a conventional one-party state», dice the collective virtual encyclopedia Wikipedia.

To this, Peiró reflects and states in his text the following: «Let us agree that ‘one-party state’ sounds less brutal than saying ‘one-party dictatorship’. Better a euphemism than things by name. What remains unknown is what they mean by ‘conventional’… Perhaps insinuating normality, as if prohibiting free association was something ‘normal’. It is conventional in a dictatorship, of course, but not in the Republic that the Castro regime pretends to be, ”writes the journalist.

«For almost 50 years, the country was led by Fidel Castro, first as prime minister (1959) and then as president of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers (1976), later led by Raúl Castro at the head of the organs of State and government, in the period from 2008 to 2018, that Miguel Díaz-Canel is elected, ”follows the Wikipedia text.

Praise for authoritarian governments

“Since 2019, the form of government has taken on characteristics similar to semi-presidential or semi-parliamentary systems”Add.

During his visit to Argentina, Evo Morales has been in charge of praising not only Cuba, but also the government of Nicolás Maduro and even Nicaragua.

In fact, on Tuesday described the dictatorship of Cuba as “the best democracy” that the island has had, even though it has been governing the Cubans for more than five decades, who on July 11, 2021 began historic protests to the cry of “freedom.” Then, hundreds of Cubans were harshly repressed by police agents.

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Morales also defended the government of Venezuela, while pointing out to the media that it is an “atomic bomb”.

“In Venezuela I have seen that there is freedom of expression, right?” He stated without expanding on the subject.

On Monday, after his arrival in Argentina, the indigenous leader, accompanied by former Argentine Defense Minister and current head of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), Agustín Rossi, said that the United States is in decline in Latin America, a region where in his opinion he lost hegemony.

For the former Bolivian president, the verification of this reality occurred at the last Summit of the Americas, held in Los Angeles (USA), in which many Latin American heads of state criticized the decision of the US Executive not to invite Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to the appointment.

To read the full article by Claudia Peiró for Infobae here.

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