Pablo De Blasis spoke to the Triperos fans in a very heartfelt letter

Pablo De Blasis in the Forest the night of the victory once morest defense and justice. The steering wheel spoke to the fan / the day

The last Monday at 8:00 p.m. the time to write down players ended. Although at the last moment several teams decided to register soccer players, it was not the case of Gimnasia. Of the 28 First Division teams, Lobo ended up being the only team without new faces, and not because they didn’t want to…

Until a few days ago, two reinforcements were going to arrive for sure, but suddenly everything fell apart, and Néstor Gorosito will make do with what he has, at least until the end of the year.

The right back he requested will not arrive (neither Marcelo Weigandt, nor Leonardo Di Plácido, nor Matías Pérez Acuña or the Uruguayan Rafael Haller); but neither will the return of Pablo De Blasis, who had excited people so much.

That it was an economic issue that arose following the first talks; that Gymnastics did not have the money; that the club is inhibited…

In short, from the 4th Street Headquarters nobody explained anything, but it was the footballer himself who at noon yesterday decided through his social networks to express himself and speak to the Tripero fan.

As is known, De Blasis He had already settled in our City with his family, he had made the move from Spain, thinking that his return to the Wolf would end up closing.

After frustrating his return, now he must analyze his future. He had offers from Argentine clubs, but everything indicates that he would go back to Spain where he also had offers, including from Cartagena where he was playing.

But that will already be part of the footballer’s history, far from Gymnastics for the time being.

The de Blasis letter

As was said, through his Instagram account, the midfielder wanted to give his explanation and his vision of things.

Simply signing as “Pablo”verbatim wrote: “I am not much of speaking or exposing my feelings in the networks. But this time the occasion calls for it. Everyone who knows me knows what Gymnastics means to me. When I made the decision to return, I never thought that the outcome would be this way. If he had never promised to return before, it was so as not to create any expectations or illusions because I know what it generates for the fan. 10 years ago I did not speak ill of anyone when I left, I will not do it and I will not do it in the future. They taught me to solve problems and differences behind closed doors”.

Later, the flyer continued: “No player is bigger than the club and Gimnasia is bigger than each one of the people that make it up and the best way for the club to grow is by adding. Add from the place you touch until the end of days. I am very sorry that in all these days many false versions have circulated that achieved a certain resentment with the situation and in some cases with me. I look forward to another opportunity and I will do it with the same enthusiasm as this time, but hopefully the final result will be different”.



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