Black Beauty Meteorite from Mars

An international team of scientists led by the Australian Curtin University has discovered the origins of the famous “Black Beauty” meteorite weighing 320 grams, discovered in 2011 in the Western Sahara, northwest Africa, also known as “Nua 7034”, and they confirmed that it is from Mars by analyzing thousands of planetary images of the surface of Mars. Using artificial intelligence from samples of Red Planet missions.

Scientists pointed out that the meteorite came from space when an asteroid collided with the surface of Mars and left an impact crater, 6 miles wide, 10 million years ago.

Black Beauty contains fragments of several rock types linked together. The scientists explained that this makes it different from all other Martian meteorites, which contain a single rocky type.

Dr. said. Anthony Laguine of Curtin University in Australia, a co-author of the study, said: “For the first time, we know the geological context of the only Martian sample available on Earth, before the arrival of the NASA Mars sample by the Perseverance probe, which is currently exploring the Jezero crater in Mars.”

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