The play “Les Tartuff’ries” delighted the public

As part of the annual Cèz’tivales proposed by the culture and festival commission of the municipality, the Brouhaha company presented The Tartuff’ries: or how Tartuffe predicted the current world…

This remarkable and original play written by John Bodin in partnership with its principal interpreter, François Manuelian, offers him the opportunity to achieve a sensational performance as an actor.

The show brings Tartuffe, its author Molières, Louis XIV back to life…

The superb alexandrines of this satirical comedy give the evolutions of its here fictitious historical characters a remarkable evocative power.

Accompanied step by step by the double bass of Thierry Leu, underlined with bursts of tumult by an inspired staging, their confrontations highlight the abuses of power, financial compromises, religious secretiveness, female submissions… of all times and trace conflicting relationships that appear more than ever burningly topical.

Great actors and a beautiful comedy.

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