Aníbal Torres compares the press with that of Hitler and Mussolini: They reject a new attack by the prime minister on the media | POLITICS

Last Friday, just two days from kidnapping of journalists from “Fourth Estate” by a peasant patrol from Chadín (Chota, Cajamarca), the head of the Ministerial Cabinet, Hannibal Torresattacked the press once more, arguing that it, especially “the capital”, uses “lies as the best instrument to destroy the adversary”, as did the dictators Benito Mussolini, in Italy, and Adolf Hitler, in Germany.

“Most of the press, especially the capital, misinforms, decontextualizes information, they have adopted the mechanism that Mussolini used in Italy, fascism; that Hitler used in Germany, Nazism, have adopted the policy of these two characters, that is, of using lies as the best instrument to destroy the adversary”, he stated.

In an extensive interview with YouTube channel “Rhyme City”the prime minister also said that he is in favor of rules governing the actions of the media.

“It is said that the press should self-regulate, that is absurd in our environment, that is like me saying: ‘to the corrupt, there is no need to give laws for them, that they self-regulate; the thief who regulates himself; rustler to self-regulate; the swindler to self-regulate ‘, which is stupid because the press is not going to be regulated, there should be legislation to put a stop to that, ”he stressed.

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Torres stated that the press in Peru “can freely insult, defame, slander without being sanctioned, and that is absurd.”

The head of the Ministerial Cabinet said that if President Pedro Castillo does not provide interviews, it is because most of the media seek to confront him and “attribute absolutely false facts” and “without any evidence”, in reference to the preliminary investigation that the teacher faces for allegedly being the head of a criminal organization installed in the MTC.

Torres even recommended that parents not allow children and adolescents to see the press, which he describes as “corrupt” and “mercenary.”

“That press is very hurt because they have taken away the money that other governments have given them, because in this government that money is destined to attend to the most urgent needs of the population.”

The prime minister, in addition, maintained that “the press in Peru stupidizes the person.”

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a dangerous speech

The president of the National Association of Journalists (ANP), Zuliana Lainez, lamented the “erratic” and “recurring” attitude that Torres has once morest the press. He added that the head of the Ministerial Cabinet can be critical of journalism, but refused to make a comparison of it with fascism and Nazism.

“This places us in a dangerous scenario, in recent months we have been experiencing a hostile scenario once morest journalists, these expressions do not correspond to those who have the function of being prime minister. And it can no longer be assumed as a slip, all the time it tries to disqualify the activity of the press, ”he told El Comercio.

Laínez reminded the president of the Council of Ministers that there are already mechanisms for self-regulation.

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“We have to empower citizens more so that these elements are used more frequently, we have instances such as the Council of the Peruvian Press and the National Society of Radio and Television, the MTC itself, which have sanction instances in case someone violates. There is also a law that regulates rectification”, he remarked.

The president of the ANP urged the prime minister to moderate his position regarding the media, because it is generating a climate of hostility and polarization.

In this regard, the director of the Informational Freedoms area of ​​IPYS, Adriana León, stated that Torres and other members of the government are trying to raise the discourse that “the press lies” to minimize “all the complaints made by the media” involving President Castillo and his entourage.

León described the Prime Minister’s speech as “dangerous”, because it not only stigmatizes the press, but also generates “greater polarization and animosity” among citizens regarding the media.

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He denied that the chief of staff has compared journalistic work with acts of corruption and other illicit origins.

“In Torres’ view, journalists are criminals because they attack the government. He is completely wrong. It is surprising that Torres, being a lawyer, says these things, when he knows that Peru is ascribed to international treaties and has committed itself to defending freedom of expression and of the press, and not as the press that the government wants, but as a which is critical and controlling”, he said.

The “closing” of Congress

Torres, at another time, said yes “[Nicolás] Machiavelli was in power at this moment, without a doubt that Congress had already closed, because reality demands it”.

He added that the government is “hopeful” that Congress “reacts” and leaves the attitude of “disturbing” the Castillo administration.

“The Constitution empowers the Executive to be able to close Congress, there is a mechanism, but we have not used it yet, in the hope that we can reach a dialogue with the forces involved in the presidential vacancy,” he said in reference to the eventual refusal of two votes of confidence or two censures to Cabinets.

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He said that, “on one occasion”, the President of the Republic told him that it is “impossible” for his government to close the Legislative outside the framework of the Magna Carta.

“If they kick us out, I’m going to work for the constituent assembly.” This is how she answered me on one occasion. I don’t know what your intention is currently, but that’s what he answered me, ”she expressed.

The president of the Council of Ministers also questioned that Congress is trying to reinstate the Senate without consulting the citizens.

“[El Legislativo] now it is making modifications to make a dictatorship from Congress”, he concluded.


Timeline: Torres’ Other Onslaughts


In the context of the second vacancy process once morest Castillo, the head of the Cabinet said that practically “all the causes” of the motion were “extracted” from media “that do not inform, but misinform, that distort the truth.”


Torres, in an interview with “El etnopatriota” (José Flores Castañeda, who is calling for Antauro Humala’s freedom), considered the press “harmful” to the country’s children and youth. “Of course we have to do something regarding that,” he said.


In statements to TV Perú Noticias, the prime minister said that certain media outlets do not seek the truth, “but twist the facts with the purpose of wanting to implicate the president in criminal acts.”



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