Florida: Father forgets son (3) in the car at 35 degrees

The child’s parents, who both work at the Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami Gardens, found their son unconscious in the car Monday followingnoon. Shortly therefollowing, rescue workers rushed to the scene. The temperatures on site were around 35 degrees Celsius.

Police Commissioner Diana Delgado-Gourgue said firefighters took Shalom Tauber to a local hospital, according to the Miami Herald. The three-year-old was pronounced dead there. The high temperatures were to blame. His death was classified by the investigator as an accident.

Menacham Mendel Tauber (42), Shalom’s father, claimed {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/qualvoller-Wärmetod -in-the-car-so-dangerous-is-carelessness-2382602.html’})})()”> he forgot his son was in the car, according to Miami Gardens police.

Reading Tip: {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/grafik-shows-so-bruellend-heiss- wird-es-in -ihrem-wagen-3007965.html’})})()”> Graphic shows: It gets blazing hot in your car



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