China welcomes Security Council resolution on extension of Syria’s cross-border humanitarian assistance mandate

Dai Bing, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said in an explanatory statement after the Security Council passed the resolution on the extension of Syria’s cross-border humanitarian assistance authorization on July 12, saying that China welcomes the Security Council’s adoption of the Syrian cross-border humanitarian assistance authorization extension resolution.

Dai Bing said that China is grateful to Ireland, Norway, Russia and other members for their intensive communication in the past few days and their active efforts to achieve the final result. Facts have shown that it is normal for members of the Security Council to disagree on relevant issues. Sometimes sharp conflicts are inevitable, but as long as there is sufficient political will, patient consultation, and mutual care and concern, we can still find effective solutions to problems. Forcibly pushing for a vote when there are still major differences will only intensify contradictions and differences, and will not be beneficial to maintaining the unity of the Security Council and ensuring that the Security Council can effectively perform its duties.

Dai Bing said that China’s position on the humanitarian issue in Syria is consistent and clear. China has always maintained that the provision of humanitarian assistance to Syria should respect the sovereignty of Syria and the leadership of the Syrian government. Cross-line rescue should become the main channel for humanitarian assistance to Syria. Cross-border rescue is a temporary arrangement made under a specific situation. It is necessary to speed up the transition to cross-border rescue and form a clear timetable for the final termination of cross-border rescue. The resolution just adopted leaves out necessary flexibility, which is conducive to the timely assessment and adjustment of the resolution’s mandate by the Security Council. The resolution puts forward clear requirements for carrying out early recovery projects and enhancing rescue transparency. The Security Council holds an informal interactive dialogue every two months, which is also conducive to the specific follow-up of the progress of the implementation of the resolution. China expects all parties to strictly abide by the basic principles of international humanitarian assistance, strictly abide by the requirements of Security Council resolutions, and ensure the neutrality and transparency of assistance, so as to enhance its pertinence and effectiveness.

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Dai Bing reiterated that unilateral sanctions severely restrict the operations of international humanitarian agencies in Syria, and run counter to the efforts of the Security Council and the international community to improve Syria’s humanitarian access and increase its humanitarian resources. China urges relevant countries to immediately and fully lift unilateral sanctions on Syria.

The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2642 on the 12th, extending Syria’s cross-border humanitarian assistance authority for six months. According to this resolution, the authorization of the existing Bab al-Hawa cross-border point is extended for 6 months until January 10, 2023. After that, the authorization can be extended for another 6 months, but requires another Security Council resolution. (CCTV reporter Gu Xiang Xu Tao)

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