Less time in the shower, limiting the air conditioning or the thermostat,…: what is the real impact of the recommendations advocated to ensure a warm winter?

Like many European countries, Belgium needs to take immediate action to save more energy. This is what emerges from the list of opinions of a series of Belgian experts in the field and supported by the country’s energy suppliers and major industries.

“Every kilowatt-hour we save now can be used to replenish reserves because we will need it for next winter, says Joannes Laveyne, energy researcher at UGent. Although Belgium is well supplied for this winter, this does not mean that we are immune to events occurring in neighboring countries.”

A situation that causes uncertainty on the market and therefore high prices, and since the natural gas markets at home and in neighboring countries are linked, Belgium will also suffer. While households will not run out of natural gas, industry and our economy will suffer from these high prices. “By saving on our consumption now, also in Belgium, we are ensuring that gas stocks abroad can be filled to the maximum. The more they are filled, the less uncertainty there will be on the market. In addition , we are thus sending a signal to the market that savings are possible, which further reduces uncertainty.” With soaring oil and gas prices due to the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis might also worsen. It is therefore first of all important to realize that this is a European crisis, and that solutions must therefore also be found at European level, recalls the specialist. “I am referring in particular to the study by the Bruegel think tank, which calculated that we can get through the winter with 15% savings. Moreover, Belgium has a very limited gas storage capacity, of the order of 12 days of consumption. It is therefore not possible to build additional storage facilities just like that. These storage facilities use natural and deep underground caves, which are rare in Belgium”, he explains. Faced with this situation, energy specialists recommend implementing several measures to save enough energy for the coming months. We take stock of the real benefits of these daily gestures.

Less time in the shower: 0.75 kWh once morest 3.70 kWh, i.e. 35 euros in savings

On average, the Belgian consumes 114 liters of water per day and at least half of this daily consumption is devoted to the use of domestic hot water, whether for the shower, the bath and the kitchen. “These small gestures such as reducing your time in the shower or turning off your lights more can also make a difference.underlines Marc Van den Bosch, managing director of Febeg, the federation of energy suppliers. Thus, by limiting the time spent in the shower to three minutes, instead of the usual nine minutes, an average household can easily save 16,000 liters of hot water and 90 m3 of gas per year. For a shower, 3 minutes is equivalent to 0.75 kWh once morest 3.70 kWh for 15 minutes according to my calculations.” According to Luminus estimates, spending less time in the shower represents between 35 and 40 euros in potential savings per year. Joannes Laveyne also points out that 20% of a family’s gas consumption is devoted to domestic hot water production, “so shorter showers help”.

Review the use of your air conditioning

“The weeks will be hot, but try to avoid using the air conditioning as much as possible. Hang your laundry on a drying rack rather than a dryer”, advises Laveyne. It is considered that a household air conditioning unit increases the household electricity bill by 25 to 30%. “Which amounts, if we speak in kWh, to more or less 500 kWh per year and per household, or even 125 euros per year. Other estimates give a consumption amounting to more or less 4 euros per m² and per year in using it during the summer. For a room of 20 m², it therefore amounts to more than 80 euros. I think the most sensible advice is to set it at 5°C below the outside temperature level and buy the most energy-efficient model”predicts Marc Van den Bosch.

Equip yourself with modern electrical appliances to save 100 euros per year

For the experts, it is also important to reduce our electricity consumption. “There is obviously a link between gas and electricitynotes Peter Claes, director of Febeliec, the federation of industrial energy consumers. We still need part of our gas-powered plant running, but if we reduce our electricity consumption, we will reduce that linked to gas, there is a link, even if it is not 100% established. .”

“Household appliances such as refrigerators and freezers represent 15% of our annual consumption.John Laveyne They are particularly more energy-intensive in summer. Thus, by replacing a device ten or twenty years old with a modern version, I am sure that we can reduce its consumption by half..” At the current price of electricity, he says this would save up to 100 euros per year.

Halve the use of your dryer: almost 100 euros in savings

On average, a tumble dryer consumes regarding 235 kWh per year. “We can remember that the most economical way to dry it is to hang it outside during the summer. Moreover, according to Luminus estimates, halving its use amounts to making nearly 100 euros in savings per year. Another element, washing clothes at 30 degrees makes them as clean as 60, which saves around 11% of energy per year”, Van den Bosch report.

Opt for sleep mode

According to Engie, the standby mode of our household appliances absorbs 18% of your annual energy consumption. “Thus, a power socket with an on/off switch that turns off all your appliances at the same time allows you to consume less, which represents nearly 50 euros in savings per year”he concludes.



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