Depressed and lethargic male menopause, increase testosterone to build confidence

As we age, some men experience a loss of self-confidence and a feeling of helplessness. Menopause is often thought to be experienced by women, but men also experience menopausal symptoms as the male hormone (testosterone) decreases. You will experience decreased vitality, decreased libido, fatigue, and depression.

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an important role in the development and function of the testis and prostate by participating in the male reproductive system. Testosterone gradually decreases with age, and the first symptom you will feel as testosterone decreases is decreased sexual function, such as decreased libido. In addition, it is accompanied by various symptoms such as decreased muscle mass, abdominal obesity, loss of confidence, depression, and lethargy. In severe cases, body feminization such as gynecomastia may occur.

Conversely, an increase in testosterone increases libido and activates bodily functions. Testosterone activates the brain for pleasure, so when levels are high, you feel more confident and act motivated. As such, testosterone plays an important role in making men masculine. The quality of life can be improved by actively managing testosterone decline not only because of age. In severe cases, medical treatment such as hormone injections is required. In general, strength training, protein intake, and intake of foods and nutrients that help male hormone secretion can also significantly increase testosterone secretion.

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a substance that is converted when testosterone is combined with 5-α-reductase. If testosterone ‘builds up men’s confidence’, on the other hand, DHT is ‘destroys men’s confidence’. DHT acts on the prostate and often causes an enlarged prostate.

Urination problems due to an enlarged prostate are common among middle-aged men. However, the problem of urination is not only psychologically atrophy, but also sharply reduces the quality of life. DHT is also a major cause of male pattern baldness. This is because DHT blocks protein synthesis in hair follicle cells and inhibits blood circulation in hair follicles. Hair loss also significantly reduces men’s confidence. If you want to avoid enlarged prostate and male pattern baldness, you need to find a way to reduce DHT.

‘Saw palmetto fruit extract’ is a health functional ingredient that promotes the secretion of testosterone, a male hormone. On the other hand, 5-alpha reductase, which produces DHT, has an inhibitory effect, so it can be expected to improve urination discomfort and male pattern hair loss due to enlarged prostate. In the Food Safety Nara of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, regarding the functionality of saw palmetto fruit extract, it was announced that ‘it shows the effect of improving the symptoms of enlarged prostate by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme (5-alpha reductase) that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone’. have.

Zinc is a nutrient that is effective in increasing male hormones along with saw palmetto fruit extract. The reason that oysters have been considered as good energy for a long time in both the East and the West is because they are rich in zinc. Since zinc is an essential mineral that our body cannot produce, it must be obtained through food or nutritional supplements.

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