Study confirms Westernized diet is prone to colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Hong Kong, with over 5,500 new cases in 2019. Diet has been accused of being closely related to colorectal cancer, and a new study in the United States has found that a Westernized diet increases a strain of pks-positive E. coli in the gut, which may increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

Stimulates intestinal cells to cause mutations

The study, published in Gastroenterology, analyzed the dietary habits of more than 130,000 people over a 30-year period and tracked 3,200 cases of colorectal cancer. The researchers found that people with a Westernized diet, that is, eating red meat, processed meat, sugar, and refined starches, have more pks-positive E. coli bacteria (pks+ E. Escherichia coli with a specific gene pks produces toxic metabolites that not only damage the genes of intestinal cells, but may also stimulate cells to cause mutations, leading to a sharp increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.

Take preventive measures early

The researchers pointed out that this study is the first to find a link between a Westernized diet and specific cancer-causing bacteria, and provides evidence that a proper diet can prevent cancer, suggesting that people should take early measures to prevent colorectal cancer and avoid regretting it following the disease occurs.

However, the researchers also acknowledged that the subjects covered were mainly non-Hispanic whites, and more research is needed in the future to clarify how Westernized diets or specific foods and pks-positive E. coli cause colorectal cancer.

Originally published on AM730 confirms Westernized diet is prone to colorectal cancer/328138

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