The party group meeting of the CPPCC and the 64th chairman meeting of the 11th session were held

Release time: July 12, 2022 10:07Source: Hebi DailyViews:

On July 11, the CPPCC Party Group Meeting and the 64th Chairman Meeting of the Eleventh Session were held. Li Jun, chairman of the CPPCC, chaired and delivered a speech. Vice Chairman of CPPCC Liu Wenbiao, Dong Huqun, Zhang Hongbo, Li Mingyu, Lin Qijun, Zhang Guofu, Zhang Shancan, and Secretary General Zhang Shaomin attended.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of learning the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speeches during his inspection in Wuhan, Hubei, the spirit of the instructions given by Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and the spirit of the twenty-sixth meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference; Seven chapters of “Party Discipline”, the spirit of the reading meeting of the province’s “Competency and Work Style Building Year” activity, and the city’s “Competency and Work Style Building Year” activity promotion meeting; the leaders participating in the meeting reported the recent key work, and each commission office reported the work in the first half of the year.

Li Jun emphasized that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech has pointed out the direction and provided guidelines for us to do well in scientific and technological innovation, epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee, the spirit of the instructions of the provincial party committee secretary Lou Yangsheng’s investigation speech to Hehe should be implemented in detail, and all the work should be done well. To improve the quality of duty performance, closely combine with the “Competency and Style Building Year” activities to continuously improve the quality of government officials. It is necessary to make overall arrangements for the time, coordinate the forces of all parties, and complete the consultation and deliberation activities with high quality and quantity. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the province and the city on epidemic prevention and control, press down and consolidate responsibilities, and resolutely hold the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control.



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