Here’s why mosquitoes are attracted to your skin! Finally effective remedies

Mosquitoes are insects that have become real enemies over the years for humans. Carriers of diseases, and annoying our daily lives, here is what attracts them to your skin and to your garden!

Mosquitoes, an unappreciated insect!

It is an insect that seems to have a hard time with us humans.

Indeed, the latter has been present for a very long time on our Earth, and was also present when the dinosaurs lived there.

But for many years this last seems to proliferate in unprecedented ways. Indeed, global warming would be the cause of the expansion of mosquitoes, which might have devastating effects.

We have all been bitten by mosquitoes before, which also ruined many summer evenings for us.

Mosquito - Wikipedia

So, you should know that although this insect is very annoying for our daily lives, it is also dangerous. Indeed, the latter is a carrier of many diseases, which can have a very negative impact on your health.

Every year, many people die from mosquito bites, which is quite alarming.

But have you ever wondered what it might attract to you? Well we have the answer in this article!

This is what attracts mosquitoes!

Mosquitoes are insects that annoy both by their noise and by their discomfort that they provide. Many people have already been impacted in their sleep by a mosquito that is impossible to hunt and find.

And many people have already been annoyed by mosquitoes on a beautiful summer evening.

Many reasons explain their arrival in territories that seem a little less favorable to their development. But you should know that global warming and the sharp rise in temperatures are greatly responsible. As well as imports that are made unwittingly in goods and other baggage.

Be aware, however, that there are other reasons why mosquitoes come to bite us.


It is a gas that we emit when we expulsons the air we have absorbed.

Indeed, it is a compound that is present in the air that we breathe, and that attracts mosquitoes.

Know that they can spot our CO2 emission up to a distance equivalent to 30 meters. And sorry to disappoint you, but it is impossible not to emit this gas.

But you can hide it by heating a eucalyptus candle.

body odor

It is also something that greatly attracts mosquitoes.

And this is unique for each person. Be aware that each person emits body odor, which will more or less attract mosquitoes.

To avoid attracting them, avoid scented shower gels, perfumes and body milks that smell good.

Pregnant women, athletes and beer drinkers attract mosquitoes!

This is information that may make many people smile, but you should know that it is real.

All this is explained by a common aspect that they share. And the latter concerns a gas that we emit, which is none other than carbon dioxide.

To be able to avoid falling prey to mosquitoes, you have to avoid beer and try many natural repellents that are more or less effective.

wear dark colors

There are many studies that highlight the different elements that attract these insects.

And you should know that colors can play a real role in this aspect. Indeed, know that if you wear some colors, you will be more likely to attract them.

The mosquito seems to appreciate red, orange, black and cyan blue.

The light

It is an aspect and an element that attracts many insects.

Be aware that this is also an aspect that attracts many mosquitoes. Thus, know that the light is more attractive at night, because it is a luminous point.

This attracts other insects, such as butterflies at night, which will have the effect of invading you.

To avoid repeated mosquito attacks when you are at home or in your garden, turn off the light.



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