all Medicine vacancies

School of Medicine.

The offer of places to study Medicine continues to increase and breaks a new barrier in Spain. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the offer of places for the Degree in Medicine has been 7,445 seats, 147 more than in the 2021-2022 academic year, when there were 7,298 places. This supposes a new increase in the number of places to study medicine in Spain, which supposes an important push in the fight to palliate the shortage of medical professionals that is regarding to arrive in the country.

Specifically, the offer of places for studying Medicine in Spain has grown by 2.01 percent, according to the document to which it has had access Medical Writing. Of the total places, 5,831 belong to public universities while 1,614 correspond to private universities.

All autonomous communities have at least one Faculty of Medicine except for La Rioja, which has none. The Community of Madrid It is the region that offers the most places, with 1,564, followed by Catalonia and Andalusia, with 1,194 and 1,039, respectively. These three are the only ones exceed a thousand, as reflected in the data.

On the contrary, Galicia, Asturias, Extremadura, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands These are the autonomous communities that only have one Faculty of Medicine. Galicia has offered 360 places in the 2022-2023 academic year, while Asturias has had 150 places.

For its part, Extremadura has had a total of 120 places, Cantabria 119 and The Balearic Islands is the one that has offered the fewest places, with 60.

To this offer will be added from the next academic year 2022-2023 the places of the University of Jaén and the University of Almería. Both will be able to start the first promotion with a total of 60 places each, with which Spain will register a catalog of 55 Medicine degrees between public and private universities.

Lastly, the private universities that offer the Degree in Medicine, although they do not have a presence in all the autonomous communities and are in six, they concentrate 21.7 percent of the supply of medicine places. The private one is present in Catalonia, with two faculties; in the Valencian Community, also with two; in the Community of Madrid, with four; in Murcia, with a center and a faculty; and in Navarra and the Basque Country, with one in each.

How is the offer of places divided?

– Andalusia
Cadiz Faculty of Medicine: 145
Faculty of Medicine and Nursing Córdoba: 130
Faculty of Medicine of Granada: 253
Faculty of Health Sciences of Jaén: 60
Faculty of Medicine Malaga: 160
Faculty of Medicine Seville: 291

– Aragon
Zaragoza Faculty of Medicine: 180
Zaragoza Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences: 44

– Asturias
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Oviedo: 150

– Balearics
Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Balearic Islands: 60

– Canary Islands
Faculty of Health Sciences of La Laguna: 130
Faculty of Health Sciences of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 135

– Cantabria
Faculty of Medicine of Cantabria: 119

– Castile and Leon
Faculty of Medicine of Salamanca: 180
Valladolid Faculty of Medicine: 180

– Castilla la Mancha
Faculty of Medicine of Albacete: 125
Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real: 75

– Catalonia
Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona: 350
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Barcelona: 259
Girona Faculty of Medicine: 80
Faculty of Medicine of Lleida: 110
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences of Pompeu Fabra: 60
Rovira i Virgili Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences: 125
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the International of Catalonia: 100
Faculty of Medicine of Vic-Central University of Catalonia: 110

– Valencian Community
Faculty of Health Sciences of Jaume I of Castellón: 80
Faculty of Medicine Miguel Hernández of Elche: 130
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Valencia (General Study): 320
Faculty of Health Sciences-Centre of Castellón de Cardenal Herrera-CEU:70
Cardenal Herrera-CEU School of Health Sciences: 50
Faculty of Medicine and Catholic Dentistry of Valencia S. Vicente Mártir: 120

– Extremadura
Faculty of Medicine of Extremadura: 120

– Galicia
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Santiago de Compostela: 360

– Madrid’s community
University Defense Center of Alcalá: 25
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Alcalá: 120
Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid: 240
Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense of Madrid: 295
Faculty of Health Sciences. Alcorcón Campus of the Rey Juan Carlos University: 150
Faculty of Health Sciences of Alfonso X El Sabio: 198
Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences. Campus Villaviciosa and Alcobendas of the European Union in Madrid: 220
Francisco de Vitoria Faculty of Medicine: 140
San Pablo-CEU School of Medicine: 176

– Murcia
Faculty of Medicine of Murcia: 200
UCAM University Center. Cartagena of the Catholic San Antonio: 60
San Antonio Catholic School of Health Sciences: 90

– Navarra
Navarra Public Faculty of Health Sciences: 60
Faculty of Medicine of Navarra: 200

– Basque Country
Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the Basque Country/EHU: 330
Faculty of Psychology and Education Deusto: 80

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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