[비타민 바이블] Healthy brain = happy old age… Omega 3 that helps prevent dementia

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As life expectancy increases, the elderly population is increasing rapidly. According to the ‘2020 Population and Housing Census’ by the National Statistical Office, as of November 2020, the elderly aged 65 and over in Korea accounted for 16.4% of the total population. This is an increase of 0.9% P compared to 2019 (15.5%). As the elderly population increases, interest in ‘living a long and healthy life’ rather than just ‘age’ is growing day by day.

The first condition for living a healthy old age is brain health. As the years go by, memory naturally declines and brain function declines. The problem is that the decline in brain function can lead to dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is a disease that causes pain not only for the patient but also for his or her family. Therefore, for the happiness of my family and myself in old age, I need to take care of my brain health and prevent dementia in advance.

A representative organ directly affected by aging, the brain

The brain, which consists of regarding 100 billion brain cells and numerous neural networks, is one of the irreplaceable organs. This is because it is an organ that manages various human physical and mental activities such as breathing, memory, and emotions. Naturally, the brain requires a lot of energy because it has a lot of work to do.

Although it is light enough to account for 2% of the total body weight, the energy used per day amounts to 20% of the total body energy use per day. Compared to a muscle of a similar weight, it requires 10 times more blood and oxygen. For this reason, nutrition is very important for the smooth functioning of the brain. The nutrients the brain needs are supplied through blood vessels. If the blood circulation is not smooth and the necessary nutrients are not supplied in a timely manner, the brain cannot function properly.

In particular, the brain is a representative organ directly affected by aging. As aging progresses, the components in the brain also begin to decrease, resulting in a decrease in the size and weight of the brain. Brain cells begin to decline from the age of 30, and the rate of decline in brain cells accelerates when a bad lifestyle and excessive stress are added. When substances such as free radicals, which are pointed out as the main culprits of aging, and beta-amyloid found in dementia patients, accumulate, it has a great effect on the acceleration of brain cell decline and memory loss.

Nutrients that protect brain health, omega 3

To protect brain health and prevent dementia, it is necessary to protect brain cells and maintain and activate brain functions. Omega 3 is a representative nutrient that has a great effect on brain health. In fact, according to a 2001 study by researchers at The Ohio State University in the United States, a deficiency of DHA, a major component of omega-3 and one of the brain components, plays a very important role in the onset and exacerbation of Alzheimer’s disease. Later, in 2002, through a follow-up study, it was announced that DHA inhibits the production and accumulation of beta-amyloid, which is considered one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers at Columbia University in the United States also came up with similar findings in 2012. As a result of researching the effects of omega-3 on the prevention of dementia in 1,200 people aged 65 and over, the research team found that the higher the intake of omega-3, the lower the blood level of beta-amyloid, which was effective in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers at the University of Oxford in the UK also said that the higher the intake of DHA, the better the learning ability and the prevention of memory loss. The research team said, “The DHA component in the brain increases until the age of 20 and gradually decreases therefollowing.” He advised, “At least from the age of 30, when brain cells start to decrease, taking omega 3 regularly is helpful for brain health.” did.

Help = Hidak Consulting Pharmacist Jun-kyung Joo (Wirye Central Pharmacy)



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