Having real goals and successfully achieving them improves your emotional well-being

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete emotional well-being, physical and social and points out that there are numerous studies that show that people who have a good mental health or they are emotionally healthy, “they have a higher commitment, they facilitate a better working environment, causing absenteeism to be reduced”. Likewise, the WHO ensures that ensuring the emotional well-being of other people has a positive impact not only on the immediate environment, but also on the person himself. In this sense, from the psychologist y el ‘coaching’ they claim that the goals (whether real or not)that we mark ourselves in life, are one of the factors that most influence in our emotional well-being.

The platform of online psychologists Terapify holds that our well-being also Depends on how much control you have. regarding their own thoughts and emotions. And it is that if the objectives are unattainable or are not clear, our brain will be very confused because not to stop imagine catastrophic scenarios. And this continuous imagining can affect both the physical level and the emotional level.

“There are conditions like worries, stress, anxietyamong others, that can cause serious illnesses”, they emphasize from this psychological aid organization. And to tell the truth, setting real goals is sometimes very complicated by the global situation in which we live, since we develop glued to social networks. In them we meet people who seem to be doing very well, in some cases envying their lifestyle. Instead, it is very important to be aware and remember that success depends mainly that the goals we set for ourselves are attainable.

‘SMART’ model or how to achieve success in your goals

Currently, the ‘SMART’ model It is the main way that both companies and psychologists recommend to follow to establish our goals and have guaranteed success. Its definition is the acronym for specific (‘specific’), measurable (‘measurable’), reachable (‘achievable’), realist (‘realistic’) and `timely’, which means that goal must be achievedin a given time.

The mtodo ‘SMART’ clarifies that our challenges must be challenging to feel motivated enough to continue with them and eventually reach them. “This is possible to achieve through an active process of thought, that is, thanks to the autorreflexin“, they count from psychology and mind.

On the other hand, to know that we have achieved our purposes it is necessary that we have a “tangible evidence”namely, our goals have to be measurable. This translates into proposing short term goals to get to the end.

As to the acceptable y the realistic, these are two adjectives that help us to have halfway done without having started working on our goal. For this it is recommended, depending on what we have marked, to be aware of our resourceseconomic, social, human and material. Depending on the model ‘SMART’, if we do not keep this in mind it will be impossible for us to achieve anything and we will get frustrated. This failure might cause us general malaise and even anxiety and depression.

And finally, the ‘SMART’ method recommends establish adeadline to achieve the objectives set, in this way we will know how we are doing with the process, we can also surprise ourselves realizing that we have successfully fulfilled our objective. Best of all, if we follow these steps, our health and emotional well-being will be as optimal as possible. Another consequence is that from now on it will be easier set goals or dreams because we already know this procedure and we know what to do and what not to do.

Therapist taking notes on a piece of paper during a sessionFREEPIK

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Improving emotional well-being, an urgent goal for all

As the WHO points out, to improve the emotional well-being of the population in general, and with it the mental health of each person, it is necessary “take action in sectors other than health and involve the sectors responsible for education, work, justice, transportation, the environment, housing and social protection”. As a consequence, all the Member States of this organization have committed to applying the Comprehensive Action Plan on Mental Health 2013-2030whose main objectives are: to improve mental health through more effective leadership and governance, the application of promotion and prevention strategies, and the strengthening of information systemsscientific data and research.

In this context, the Confederacin de Salud Mental Espaa appealed to companies to promote emotional well-being and mental health in the workplace, claiming that its “proper functioning depends largely on the human factor”. Well, as we said at the beginning, to have good mental health it is essential to have optimal emotional, physical and social health, and the latter is very necessary both at work and in our family and friends.



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