Mountains shrouded in mist; Indrajith and Purnima share travel pictures

Actor Indrajith and Purnima share travel pictures from Vagaman. Indrajith has posted a picture of the two sitting on a beautiful hillside on Instagram. He also shared a video of himself driving to Vagaman enjoying the view of the mountains and greenery. The video shows the mountains covered in fog.

Vagamon travelers will be captivated by the combination of mist, rain and beauty that always covers the mountains in a white blanket. This is the place most people choose for their holiday travel.

Wagamon is on National Geographic Traveler’s World’s Best Travel Destinations list. Located 25 km east of Erathupetta on the border of Kottayam-Idukki districts, this place is full of tourists throughout the year. Being at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, visitors are greeted with never-ending coolness.

Rain, snow and green

Vagamon is one of the rainiest regions in Kerala. Although the weather is cool and beautiful in all seasons, the best time to visit is following the rainy season from June to September or before the summer season from March to May.

Picnic spot

Vagamon becomes extremely beautiful following the rainy season. The meadows will become greener, the trees will be greener and the atmosphere will be beautiful with a thin layer of mist. Also, waterfalls and lush vegetation will feast the eyes during this season. A family picnic over the meadows is one of the most popular pastimes at Wagamon.

During summer months from March to May, the temperature here is 21-28 °C. The beautiful weather, cool breeze from the sea, radiant sunshine, clear skies and the fresh aroma of the tea gardens will refresh the mind and soul.

Adventure lovers go here

Wagamon is also a place for adventure lovers. There are many activities here like paragliding, hiking, trekking and elephant riding. Vagamon is also famous for kayaking, canoeing and boating.

Vagamon is also easily accessible from major cities in the surrounding area. Vagamon is located 102 km west of Kochi. It is 43 km from Thodupuzha, 37 km from Pala, 45 km from Kumily, 65 km from Kottayam and 40 km from Kanjirapalli. Kottayam is the nearest railway station.

English Summary: Indrajith and Poornima enjoys Holiday in Vagamon



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