Ambassador to Ukraine fired: That’s what Andriy Melnyk says about his dismissal | politics

It was the surprising political news on Saturday: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (44) announced the dismissal of Andriy Melnyk (46) and four other Ukrainian ambassadors.

► Little was known regarding the background until now. BILD learned from diplomatic circles that Melnyk’s dismissal followed the usual procedure and was not due to the debate regarding Melnyk in Germany.

Now the ambassador himself is commenting on his dismissal, he said “FAZ on Sunday”that his term of office will formally “probably end in a few weeks”. Then he and his family would travel back to Ukraine.

Melnyk also makes no secret of his relationship with Germany: “Germany will remain in our hearts,” he clarifies. “It’s hard for us to say goodbye. I was on post in Germany twice, I have a very close relationship with this country, which was also a kind of love-hate relationship at times.”

Melnyk did not reveal how things will continue for him following his return to Ukraine. According to BILD information, however, there are plans that Melnyk might work in the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in the future.

Apparently he might even become deputy foreign minister there. A move to Kyiv is not to be understood as a demotion, according to Ukrainian government circles.

Melnyk was last massive for it criticizedthat he had defended the Ukrainian folk hero and nationalist leader Stepan Bandera (†1959).




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