The assassination of Shinzo Abe suspects that the gun can fire 6 bullets at a time, and the security has a 3-second loophole | Nara | Toruya Yamagami |

[NTDTV, Beijing time, July 10, 2022]Former Prime Minister of JapanShinzo Abeon the 8thNaraStreet election speechshotDied, known suspect used in self-madeRetrofit gunsIt can fire 6 bullets at a time, and even the election car about 20 meters away from Abe is suspected of being affected by stray bullets, which shows that it has considerable power. The gunman fired the first shot and fired the second shot for about 3 seconds. Some experts believe that the problem lies in the security personnel’s response to the second shot.

The Central News Agency quoted Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun as saying that the 41-year-old suspect, a former maritime self-defense officerToru YamajoThe modified pistol used can fire 6 bullets at a time, and many similar guns were found in the suspect’s home.NaraThe county police judged that the mountain may have been trying to make guns, and finally chose a gun with high lethality to commit the crime.

On July 8, Yamagami was suspected of committing suicide on the road outside Kintetsu Yamato-Saidaiji Station in Nara City.Retrofit gunsshotAbe, was arrested on the basis of the current criminal. Relevant persons involved in the search said that the homemade modified pistol recovered from the crime scene was about 40 cm long and 20 cm high.

Yamagami confessed that the modified pistol has two barrels, which are fixed with wooden boards and tapes. The barrels are filled with items similar to capsules. The capsules can hold 6 bullets, so 6 bullets can be fired from one barrel in one shot. .

According to the images taken at the scene of the incident, Yamasaka fired at a distance of about 6 meters to 7 meters behind Abe; when the prefectural police investigated the election car parked by the road about 20 meters away from Abe, they found suspicious signs in the signboard. The multiple bullet holes in the bullet marks may be caused by stray bullets. Judging from the flight distance of the bullets, the modified gun may have considerable power.

The police found several guns similar to the guns used in the crime, and even a large gun with 9 barrels.

Yamagami confessed that he bought gunpowder and empty magazines on the Internet, and then refilled it himself; he also said that he originally wanted to make bombs, but because it was not successful, he changed to homemade guns.

On July 10, 2022, charged with the murder of the former prime minister of JapanShinzo AbemanToru Yamajo(R) Leaving the Nara West Police Station under the escort of the police to the Prosecutor’s Office in Nara. (STR/JI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images)

Wei An is a 3-second vulnerability expert: the problem lies in the second shot

The Central News Agency reported that Shinzo Abe was shot and killed during a street speech. The Japanese media continued to explore what went wrong with Wei’an in the past two days. Since the gunman fired the first shot to the second shot for about 3 seconds, some experts believe that the problem lies in the security personnel’s response to the second shot.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that Abe was shot to death while delivering a speech at a street election. The outside world constantly questioned Wei’an’s omissions, on the grounds that in addition to making suspicious people so close, and the gunman’s first shot was fired until the second shot was fired about 3 times. For a second, no security personnel came forward to prevent Abe from being shot, which made the outside world suspect that the security preparations and staffing were taken lightly, and asked the police to thoroughly investigate the situation on the scene and re-examine the security situation.

Judging from the videos shared on the Internet, after the gunman fired the first shot behind Abe, Abe looked back at that time, and he was shot and fell down until the second shot was fired. In the middle of the two shots, the security guards did not come forward to pounce on Abe, or block Abe and the shooter with their bodies to prevent the second shot from hitting Abe.

Abe’s security system at the scene of the incident was headed by the Nara Prefectural Police Department’s Security Department Staff Officer, and the members included Metropolitan Police SP (special service personnel) and prefectural police officers.

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Koichi Ito, a former member of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Special Assault Squad (SAT), who is familiar with security work, believes that the problem lies in the response to the second shot.

He said that once the police in charge of security work found something unusual, they rushed to the security object and lowered the head of the security object, and guided the security object to leave the scene immediately, “This is the iron law of security work for important persons. “.

Ito said, however, at the moment of the incident, he did not see any police officers approaching Abe’s side. “Even if it is unfounded, it is very important for security personnel to take security actions, and the response at the scene of the incident is not sufficient.”

Officers of the Metropolitan Police Department who are familiar with the security work of the election also said that the preparations for security beforehand are too contemptible. The Nara Prefectural Police stated that Abe suddenly decided to visit Nara on the 8th on July 7, the day before the incident, and the prefectural police chief just approved the security plan on the morning of the 8th.

The cadres of the Metropolitan Police questioned that “there is a problem with the security configuration” for the person holding the unknown object to move so close to the security protection object. Originally, the security personnel should carefully confirm that there are no security dead spots in the speech venue, and whether there is the possibility of installing suspicious items. “This time the preparatory work may not be sufficient.”

Shinichi Ito, the president of a private security company who has received security and anti-terrorism training in the United States and provides security services in Japan, said why this incident could not be prevented? The police should understand the security situation at that time, and then explain and improve it in a way that the citizens can understand.

The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) reported that former police chief Toshiro Yonemura, who has served as the Minister of Public Security of the National Police Agency and the Chief of Police of the National Police Agency, said that election street speeches are different from general security for important people, because there will be an unspecified majority of people. Gathering, security objects are also very close to voters, which is a situation that is difficult for the police to conduct security.

However, Yonemura said, “Completing the security work safely is 100 points, and failure is 0 points. In this world where the result is everything, this result can be said to be the police’s misstep.”

A man prays at a location outside Yamatoji Station in Nara, Japan, July 8, 2022. (Yuichi Yamazaki/Getty Images)
A woman prays at a site outside Yamatoji Station in Nara, Japan, July 8, 2022. (Yuichi Yamazaki/Getty Images)
People gather to pick up an extra newspaper reporting the shooting death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on a street in Tokyo on July 8, 2022. (STR/JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images)

(Editor in charge: Lu Yongxin)

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