ALGS sportsman spirit! “Apex Heroes” ImperialHal saw the RPR crash, and urgently called his teammates “Don’t shoot” to show his demeanor | 4Gamers

Apex Legends by EAALGS Year 2 ChampionshipDue to the epidemic and visa factors, many players were unable to go to North Carolina to participate in offline games, resulting in the absence of players from some teams, and even the situation of coaches playing on their behalf. However, in such an incomplete state of competition, the process of this competition There are still some sportsman spirit shots that warm the hearts of the audience.

The ALGS competition first went through the group stage on the first day, and the first round of the winning team and the losing team on the second day. The focus of the second half of the third day came to the second round of the losing team. Game 10 World Edge map. , TSM captain ImperialHal found that the role of the well-known player rpr of the European team SCARZ was in a daze during the game, and judged that the opponent should be the computer crash.

“He crashed, don’t shoot him, don’t shoot him, he crashed.” ImperialHal shouted to his teammates at Mike, and this scene was also recorded by fans. Many players felt warm to ImperialHal’s noble behavior. In the end, The TSM and SCARZ teams also advanced from the losing group to the ALGS Championship on tomorrow (11).

Another topic is the PULVEREX team from Japan. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the saku in the team cannot come to the United States to participate in the competition, so the team can only participate in the competition with 2 members.

Although “Apex Heroes” is not without an example of winning more with less, such a situation is not easy to happen in world-class professional competitions with generally superior strength. On the first day, PULVEREX fell into the loser group without any surprise. However, on the second day of the competition, PULVEREX with only two members did not give up. Ftyan and Lejetta still worked hard to score points, allowing the team to barely squeeze into the second round of the defeat on the third day.

In the end, PULVEREX was defeated and eliminated in the third day of the competition, but Ftyan and Lejetta relied on the spirit of only two people to fight in the 34 games of this conference, not only won the audience full house, but even the overseas community also praised them sportsman spirit.

It is worth mentioning that the DreamFire ​​team, represented by 3 Taiwanese players Baidi, Bo Ling and Guotao, was eliminated in the second round on the third day following fighting hard.

The ALGS Championship is expected to start at 6:00 am on July 11, and the Chinese live broadcast can go to 4Gamers Twitch channel to watch, and the official English live stream is available at Apex Official Twitch channel to watch.



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