Teenage girl injured at beach event in Blankenberge, filmed live on TV

This Sunday took place the traditional blessing of the sea in Blankenberge. Small festivities took place on the beach in the morning, as well as the celebration of a Eucharist. For the occasion, a group of young dancers performed on the sand, while a priest blessed the sea. At the same time, as tradition dictates, lifeguards had to light torches, explains Het Laatste Nieuws. But one of them, without knowing it, was holding a distress flare in his hand, and when he lit it, part of it took off before reaching one of the dancers, a few meters away. All of this live on Flemish televisionwho was on hand to cover the festivities.

The young victim, aged 16, was hit quite badly in the leg and was taken to hospital. “A regrettable accident”, lamented the mayor of Blankenberge Björn Prasse.



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